My rail fence on point, my Bridge Creek Blossom, Lois' Many Trips Around the World, Leann's pinwheels (not really sure what the block is but will find out for the quilt documentation). The two you see folded are Aline and Leann's challenge quilts. I'll get pics of them at the Christmas party next week when we do the reveal.
In addition to the donation quilts I also quilted Linda C's Redwork Garden quilt designed by Alex Anderson for pay. Those blocks were a freebie last year that she called "12 Days of Redwork" so I guess it has been renamed and put in a different spot on the website. LOL, I gave Linda my printouts once I had my quilt done but I used a different setting blocks and ironically, mine is hanging in the closet because I never took it with me to the meeting site to get it pinned. Linda C's is quilted but mine isn't.
I got done in enough time on Saturday with the 1/4 of Lois' quilt that remained that I quilted Linda's redwork quilt and then this little primitive cutie from Joined at the Hip which had been pinned and stuck up on the shelf since late January 2008. About time, dontcha think?? I don't think that this pattern is still available but was one of their yard longs "Best Friends" I think was the name???
I wrapped yesterday by completing the quilting on my on point rail fence (about a 1/4 of it was left) and then spent the rest of the day binding my two donation quilts, the little quilt above and even my Daisy Chain I picked up last month got binding and a sleeve applied. Poor Skyler wanted me to play so bad that he kept hopping up on the quilting set up and just sitting to get my attention. DJ thinks I was taking this quilting too seriously---my retort was that I want this stuff done and that means I have to work on it to make that happen. Fairy dust and wishful thinking does not do the job.
I am currently down to 4 pinned quilts of my own on the armoire. I want them done by year's end if possible. Daisy Chain is up there to hand finish the binding and there is another one that I want to dismantle and re-sash but that is another story. But I am taking the day off though I may press the fabric I laundered for the Belles challenge piece I need done by 12/7. The other stuff can wait---it waited this long, LOL so what is another day or even another week?
Some of the FABS and I are planning on doing some Christmas sewing this weekend. I have a pretty good idea what I will work on but there are few choices in that department so I guess it depends on what floats my boat come Saturday morning. Start something new or make some blocks for the Oxmoor Christmas quilt??? HMMMM.
We are in an unstable weather situation at present so I think I will sign off and shut down for a bit. The weather alert thing went off at 4 in the morning and after two hours of trashing about in the bed and not going back to sleep, I just got up and got my day started. A nap might be in order today as 4 hrs of sleep are not enough. Thanks for stopping by----------