I had a lovely surprise on Saturday when my pal Aline stopped by with her embroidery floss to share with me. She had a container of stuff already rolled on floss bobbins and another container separated out by color groupings---"take what you want", she said. I was able to compare the numbers on my document and just took the ones I didn't have to supplement those. I had a list of about 6 colors I needed for a project and that fell to half, LOL.
I spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday afternoon rolling floss. Then I decided that all the boxes needed to be in numerical order rather than the color groupings method that I had always used. No reason NOT to change your way of thinking, right? I figure it will be a lot easy to pull what I need for these monthly blocks I am doing. The cross stitch projects stayed in their own box, all the calendar blocks in another and the freckles stuff in a 3rd but the rest is now organized to my satisfaction. Can I keep it that way? Probably, LOL.
So today, I will mark the first Freckles snowman block for April. Norma and I will be working on these together as a BOM. I may also put the borders on the March and April calendar blocks. The February one is still hanging but I put out the rest of the Easter/spring decorations yesterday afternoon.
At some point I will need to start cleaning up the house as DJ got a phone call from the golfing buddy. He and his wife will be here sometime Thursday evening for a round of golf on Friday and leave right after that. They are either on the way down to Florida or on their way back to IL so just a brief stay. With this much advance notice I can concentrate on one (or two?) room(s) each day rather than work my butt off on Wednesday/Thursday morning trying to get it all done in time.
Beef stew is in the crockpot for supper. I made a batch of Pearson House Hummingbird muffins this morning too. DJ is outside doing some weeding now that the temps are up a bit. I have a couple errands to run after lunch but plenty of time to reach today's goals, I'm thinking.
Hope that you have a good day in whatever YOU chose to do------