Not sure what I will do tomorrow in the creative department. I would really like to work on the February Joined at the Hip Button Up (look for BU 2) but I am waiting on some background fabric. I over-dyed some of the fabrics and jumbo rick rack that I DO have here this morning. I will pull the rosy pinky reds for the hearts in anticipation of a start anyway.
Maybe some hand work rather than be hunched up over the machine? That might be a good break.
I couldn't resist snapping Skyler's picture this afternoon as he slept in his window seat here in the sewing room with me. Little cutie patootie enjoying the sun, paw thrown over his face.
You might be able to see from the pic that the snow is basically gone in the front yard. If we hit the 50's as they are predicting this weekend, the remaining bits of icy stuff and piled up snow will probably be gone as well.
Till next time---------
You sure didn't leave that PIF fabric in your stash for very long! I love how you have made use of it! Let's hear a cheer for #3 of 11n11