Anyway, making a scrappy bargello quilt sounds like fun and it is a pattern I have considered trying from time to time. I'm in! Thanks to Jane, we participants have this cool graphic to use. I had considered doing this with Christmas fabrics similiar to one shown in Bonnie's gallery pages at the end of the pattern instructions. I love that zigzag effect across the whole quilt. Ultimately I decided since I already have a Christmas log cabin quilt made and pinned plus I am planning a Patience Corner in Christmas colors like Finn and Norma's, I would go scrappy instead. Bust some stash a little bit at a time, right?
Then I drug out that container you see to the left in the picture. This is the odd ball fabrics for the most part that don't quite fit the other categories of colors or motifs---secret pal stuff, swap things, donation bag, whatever except or that one set tied together with ribbon. Even called my mom who is the "queen of scraps" and told her to just box some of hers up---I'll cut it! Such a deal, right? Won't be here in time for Superbowl Sunday but no way would I get the top done in a weekend anyway especially if I re-size it.
If the yardage would allow it, I cut some 2 inch strips and 3 1/2 inch squares while I was at it. Triple rail blocks and squares for 3D bowties are my two ongoing blocks for the donation quilts, after all. I also need strips 2 inch by a little bit shorter for "Grandma's Scrap Bag", a pattern I like from Miss Rosie's Quilt Company. My mom has already made one probably using some of those strips I helped her cut last summer on my busman's holiday. I have it here, pinned and ready to quilt up for Pam's Quilts for Mexico along with about 13 others slated for there.
But other than cutting and a bit of knitting there is not a lot of anything creative going on around here. Laundry detail today. An hour at least out for walking every day or most days. Last night we invited my friend Marilyn over for dinner as her husband has been out of town all week--no sewing with dinner preparations and our visit. The cutting project to help Nancy took a few hours but that's fine--glad to help. Company is supposed be back this way on Wednesday so that shoots a couple of days again--housecleaning/straightening but mostly, non-mess making in the sewing room.
Meanwhile those t-shirt quilt sections keep staring at me. I know I said I would get them trimmed down to size some day this week but I can't seem to make myself get started on it. Feet need to be held to the fire so I can get this thing moved on and outta here. BUT first, I am going to do some fun sewing with that bargello. Maybe that will get me off my duff and excited about the process again. Stay safe and warm--
It would seem that you have the first two steps of this Bargello quilt completed--you have made the decision what fabrics to use and have the strips cut. We are both at the starting gate on this one, ready to go. I am working on that customer quilt today and if the next one doesn't show up tomorrow, I may start sewing Bargello strips together. (I need a wee bit of a head start due to time differences between here and there. LOL) I will be ready to go on Sunday. It seems that there is now a large group of us making this quilt on Sunday--not a Superbowl fan and it defitely won't be on the TV in this house, but a great virtual quilt retreat none the less!
ReplyDeleteThe game won't be on here, either. But I have set myself up for a quilting weekend. I'll be "hexagoning" and anxiously watching your bargello fun.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
Hi Linda, just popping in to say hello and see what you are up today. I hadn't heard about the Bargello bowl...it sounds like fun, but having already made 4 of them, I'm not certain I want to cut for another. At least not right now..LOL, but I'll be thinking about it you can bet.
ReplyDeleteI popped over to see the Grandma's Scrap quilt you are interested in, and it's such a neat one *VBS* I can see why you'd like it. Better get cracking on that T shirt thingy....time to get it done and out of there. Take care, big hugs, Finn
I worked on mine, but not near finished.
ReplyDeleteLIke the idea of using wider strips like you're doing.