I tried a different colored thread this time for the button hole work--"milk chocolate" Essentials cotton. I really like the color for the body of the work since the fabric has a greenish-brownish undertone. Not so sure about using it on the letters since it is a much darker fabric involved there. It looks almost gray there but the shade may be more ""forgiving" than the black? Less contrast for an errant stitch to show up around those letters perhaps. I might try matching the color on next month's mini-quilt.
Some hand work was needed to embroider the ant's legs but it did not take long to get the machine quilting done. After piddling around the better part of the afternoon yesterday doing everything BUT being creative, I did the binding hand finish while watching TV last night. Woohoo! A finish. I am having such fun with these quilts!
So what is next? What is on tap for today's sewing, you ask? Back to my Cheese and Crackers, last worked on a week ago with plain inner border application. I had other fish to fry and put mine on the back burner.
Pam has taken to calling this "Cheese Spread" but I don't think she has publicly posted her top yet. Pat has gone a step further naming her version Blueberry Cheese Spread. I know in a later post she was working on her pieced border. Norma had her flimsy completed as of Sunday evening. She seems to be alternating in using the real name and the new Pam applied nickname but her daughter seems to have christened it "bug-eyed bunny" or the "Easter" quilt. Hey, it is a finished top and she can call it anything she wants!! I've just been abbreviating it "CNC" when writing about it. The Brother is set up for some "pedal to the metal" action so you what I'll be doing in my attempt to bring up the rear, LOL. If it is done in time for next week's meeting I will have the perfect spot to spread it out for it's closeup. How about that for a goal?
For those of you wondering, our little snow on Sunday did not last. The sun finally came out for the first time in what seemed like days and melted most of it off by mid afternoon. They started school about two hours late yesterday as a cautionary measure for possible road icing but it was in session. Sorry, kiddos! Of course the local paper was full of snow pictures from the newspaper staff and those sent in from the citizenry---just as DJ predicted. How much fell? Well, the airport which is the official measuring location for weather related things around here is not set up to measure snowfall, just rain totals. My guess would be about half an inch since that is what I had to scrape off my car windows yesterday when I headed out for grocery acquistion. It had crusted there in the changeover from rain to snow. From what I could tell other spots in the state got far more and then it moved on to Georgia, the Carolinas and up the Eastern seaboard to do its thing.
Looks like the UPS truck just pulled up. That means that our little phone router replacement arrived and I will be crawling under the desk hooking up the ethernet cords in a few minutes. It had crashed on Friday. At first I thought I had lost my high speed internet connection but we had TV service. It was storming and I was busy in the kitchen so I let it ride till after lunch. A call to Cableone got me back online but Vonage had to send out the equipment leaving us with cell phone only for a few days. I'll hit ""Publish" and get right on it!
Pat's quilt is very sweet and will make someone special very happy!
ReplyDeleteHope you got the *computer things* back together. I'm not one for crawling around the floor under things...lol
Blueberry Cheese Spread is a flimsy :) but then again, I choose to make a twin size.
This little Be Attitudes quilt is soooo cute! I love the ant! You must be having fun making these little quilts because you are turning them out in record time!
ReplyDeleteThe quilt that Pat turned in is perfect for a little girl. The pattern reminds me a little of my current project--Daisy Posie or Flower Patch or whatever it ends up being called in the end. LOL
So glad to hear the snow is history. If you miss it, let me know. Maybe we can arrange for another delivery! LOL