Lois was busy with her 2 1/2 inch strip bin for the starts of another Scrappy Trips Around the World from Bonnie Hunter and quiltville.com. I believe this may be part of the Belles' scrap challenge this year---or at least some of it is.
Janet was preparing to make this wonderful ring runner featuring the wild life yardage. I can't wait to see how this turns out as the technique looks interesting. If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you can read the pattern cover and designer.
Brenda was working on binding when I took this picture but this was her sewing project. The blocks have a cathedral window feel, don't they? "Wild Roses" from the quilt mag you see on the table next to the pieces.
Aline was sewing some of the sampler star blocks from Eleanor Burns' Stars Across America book. I may be wrong but I think she started this project as a block of the month with the quilt shop that used to be in Pell City. It, like the other panel piece in the previous post, will be going to the Veteran's Home. I showed you her table mate Jane's quilt project in the previous post.
Beverly was busy with the wonderful scrappy string blocks that is part of our scrap challenge for the year. The pattern is "Waste Not, Want Not" which you can see when you click the picture bigger. Not sure of the pattern source but I can find out.
Linda C had several projects with her and this was from a Fons and Porter magazine. Not sure which issue but I can find out. She also has a cool wool project going but I didn't get the camera out till after she had put it away.
Like Linda C, I had a couple of things that I can't show you right now but I got a bit more of the triple rail donation challenge top assembled. It is approximately half done at this point. I cannot decide if I need 11 or 13 rows though. Pattern--public domain. Strips are cut 2 x 5 and the blocks finish at 4.5 inches.
And here is Rosa's project, Hidden Spools from Quiltville. She had started these a few years back, she said, before she and her husband had moved to Alabama.
I hope you enjoyed seeing what the group was up to!
What a talented group! I love the variety in the projects. Days like this - sewing along with quilting friends - are great for energizing me to move forward on my own projects. I love the name of that one quilt - "Waste Not, Want Not"!