We had a lovely potluck lunch at our friend Judy's house yesterday. A few folks could not make it and couple were running a bit late but it was good to sit and visit. Good food and good company in a lovely setting. Judy sets up the tables in the room that overlooks a lake--just feels so serene out in the country.
The last thing that we did before heading home was have show and tell of the butterfly challenge quilts that were to the "flimsy" stage or completed. There are a few more out there but I think we will do this again. I had thought that the butterflies would probably go to the Presbyterian Children's Home since they might be a little more "girl" themed but a couple of them could really go either way.
The last thing that we did before heading home was have show and tell of the butterfly challenge quilts that were to the "flimsy" stage or completed. There are a few more out there but I think we will do this again. I had thought that the butterflies would probably go to the Presbyterian Children's Home since they might be a little more "girl" themed but a couple of them could really go either way.

Beverly's--2 patch, 4 patch and 8 patch

Our lovely hostess Judy holding my Mom's Dandy quilt--not sure who is on the other end hiding. We decided we all could see them better if they hopped on the fireplace mantel. Traditional pattern.

Judy holding Lois' Log cabin--I'll show more of the quilt on the wall in my next post. Traditional pattern.

My challenge quilt but some of you may have seen it already. Interlocking Squares from Trudie Hughes Crib Quilts book.

I think DJ and I have finally turned the curve on this cold and cough stuff---been two weeks. I finally got a decent night's rest while his may have been a side effect of his cough syrup, LOL. Pippi came charging in the room about 6:30 and twanging the blind so after a few minutes of her kitty kisses etc, I just got up since that was what she so obviously wanted. I had thrown a load of clothes in the washer when I went to bed so got started with laundry earlier than usual so now I'm done earlier than usual.
No cooking last night but now I need to come up with something quick for lunch. We have been eating too many sandwiches lately since I've not been interested in cooking. A dash to grocery store for some rotis chicken (all mine is frozen) and an apple so I can make a pot of mulligatawny soup. Easy, peasy. Then back to binding---only got short side done yesterday after I got home. Actually, not quite that much---Pippi parked on it and the last six inches were not even done. The sleeve is sewn down though if that counts at all. Hope my arthritic-y hands will hold up!
A couple of readers have been telling me that they are having problems commenting. I am not sure but they may not have made the switch to beta yet? From what I was reading on the dashboard notes it sounds like the beta part is going to be over soon and we all should have made the switch. I know it is annoying to keep signing in on beta so I hope once they have everyone on the same wave length that will be eliminated. The blogger sign on will be obsolete or already is with beta anyway. If you tell it to "remember" me, by golly, it should!!
Next post: some pictures of Judy's Christmas decor---a really cute tomato cage Santa, etc.
What would we do without rotisserie chicken? I try to keep one on hand all the time *s*
ReplyDeleteThe butterfly challenge tops look great -- quite an array of styles. That's what makes a challenge fun.
Very lovely quilts Linda! You gals sure know your stuff, so to speak! I like how you all took the same fabric and came up with so many different designs and layouts!
ReplyDeleteYes the problem was us non conformist who wouldn't switch. I finally did after just being totally locked out of it completely. Now I am switched.
Great Quilts!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the problems have come from those of us who haven't switched. I haven't moved over yet and I don't have any trouble commenting. However, alot of the folks who have switched to Beta no longer have their email addresses attached to their comments - I think they all need to go back into their settings or so I read somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll wait until after the move if blogger will let me.
Great quilts - I particularly like the pieced butterfly :-)
ReplyDeleteAgain, thanks for the quilt show! Sounds like a good time was had by all.
ReplyDeleteCan you share the recipe for the mulligatawny soup? I've never tried that and it sounds too easy to pass up. I'm not much of a cook anyway, so if it's easy, I'm there! lol
What great fun to see all the challenge quilts - you do a great job photographing everything!