See my deterrent to sewing last week? It was late when I started and obviously she wanted my attention. I had about two seams sewn at the time. Okay, Pippi, you win!
I had planned to write about my goals for 2008 and how I was not able to cross one single thing off my Top 10 UFO personal projects for the year. I'm not going to dwell on not meeting those goals as I did exactly what I did or did not want to do with my craft. After all, there are only so many hours in the day--it can't or won't all get done, even if I don't work outside the home. I'll revise that list for my own needs to keep me on track but won't beat myself up if I fall short.
Truth be told, I couldn't get at my own pinned tops on my closet shelf even if I wanted to (which I don't)---there is a pile of pinned quilts for Mexico blocking it. I did count up what I did get done with the donation quilts this past year. I prefer to focus of what I did accomplish rather than how I "failed" after all. 30 tops from my own stash or from donations from others and 59 quilts quilted on my trusty old Viking 500 (seen above), including my own, those donated by others or some that were made by the Belles. Not too shabby. That means a lot to me--almost 60 kids have a quilt now and I had a little something to do with that happening. I appreciate those of you out there that helped make that happen too--you know who you are.
I haven't posted for a week and there are a few others things to write about anyway. It was a quiet and rainy Christmas with just DJ, Pippi and me. I did some sewing in the afternoon while DJ watched TV. I fixed a turkey dinner with trimmings that we enjoyed. DJ had requested and got an apple pie---I rarely make this type of pie and even did a lattice top. The heck with tracking calories for a few days! I didn't gain any pounds back and even lost a teensy bit, keeping up my walking program. Bless his heart, DJ's son sent us 5 boxes of Fannie May Candies though--mint meltaways, pixies, trinadads, peanut brittle and a box of assorted chocolates. I'll behave myself and practice portion control--and enjoy every little succulent bite.
Most of my family got together this past Saturday at restaurant near my parent's home. We won't be making the trip back till May or June---especially not with the awful weather they have been having in the Midwest this winter! Not wanting us to be left out, Dad sent a check and in essence, told us to go out for dinner on him. What a wonderful surprise! DJ and I went to our favorite catfish restaurant on Thursday evening. Still would have rather been "home" but that time will come and in better weather for traveling.

As usual I was scrambling to get my row robin obligation completed by the mailing date of today. I don't mean to put off working on these, I really don't. There is always something else that needs done first. Maybe I just work better when on deadline, I don't know. It was Tuesday before I really got a good start on the hearts--see above, cat on sewing machine table, LOL. Joy is not likely to read my blog so I can share my output with you.

She did not want traditional red or pink colored blocks. These colors will go with that established by the two rows that were done before mine. Kind of odd stitching hearts on Christmas Day listening to holiday music--like, what day is this anyway?? I used the 6 inch foundation pieced patterns found on Ula Lenz' pattern page for most of them--well, the first purple one was supposed to be an inverse color on one half but I just did it all with the WOW background. Three others were from Quilter's Corner Club-- block numbers 2, 3 and 5. Well, I did #1 as well but the color I chose didn't work out as well so it will go in an abandoned block quilt at some point.

The last quilt I am showing you is one that Lois pieced. Itty bitty split nine patch arranged in a ribbon and star set. The block finished at 3.5 inches-- brave girl. I had offered to quilt it for her since that is not really "her thing" but have not gotten to it for a variety of reasons---challenge quilts, mock triple rail top, row robin obligations primarily though. Since it was the last WTIL quilt for the year, I was determined to get it quilted up and by last evening, I did. What fun seeing little bits of backing fabrics and such from the Belles sewing projects as I quilted it! I ran over to Lois' home this morning to get the binding she had prepared for it. Enjoyed a cup of coffee and a chat before I had to run off and do a couple errands before lunch. She has another Chiclet top done and more blocks this size. This picture in no way does it justice and I'll get a better one for you, Lois, once that binding is stitched down. I also stitched up a backing some yardage from my stash---one less piece hanging in the closet) for the mock triple rail and cut the binding for it this evening.
So tomorrow being New Year's Day: on the "Wrap 'Em" list we have held that whatever you do that day you will do all year. No surprise, I'll work on a UFO donation project. NOT my UFO, mind you, but a UFO. Ginny, one of the Bama Belles will be moving to GA soon and had started a Pioneer Braid top for the kids. I'm in the mood for some mindless sewing and this will fill the bill.
I don't even want to count how many UFO's are in the hamper in my sewing room. It is full to the brim. Well, one thing on top is a PIM--the fabric is pulled and the book is with it for a top I have wanted to try for some time. My plan is to pull at least one thing out that hamper a month and get it moved along. We have no immediate goal for delivering quilts to any specific spot so the pressure is off in regards to a time frame. It is possible that I CAN work on some of my own projects this year. My most immediate goals are to get the commissioned t-shirt quilt pieced and the quilts destined to Mexic to Pam quilted up. The Belles will help me with the binding detail, I know. I'll put my mind to that top 10 list--who knows, it might just find a cross out or two this year.
All the best to you and yours in the coming year------