Cut and pressed some binding for the 2nd quilt I worked on last night--polished cotton but the right color. I know how hard that stuff is to needle so I thought I better practice sewing on on the back, bringing it to the front and machine stitching it. LOL, that whole process took longer than it took me to quilt it. Here is the finished quilt--pieced by Linda S and quilted by Linda J. The only stash busting involving me is that piece of binding fabric that came from who knows where.
I still have one quilt to go to make my May goal of having the 7 WTIL quilts in my stack done. That Pioneer Braid--how to quilt it? Finn had a good suggestion of zigzags. I was thinking about marking big flying geese on the braids but have come to no conclusion on the subject. Besides, I am taking the rest of the night off. Ellen sent me the numbers I need for the quilts so a little document editing and marking took up a part of the afternoon. Thanks, Ellen. OHHH, you want to go to an online quilt show?? Please head over to the 2005-2006 gallery pages on Wrap Them in Love website and take a peek . Ellen has added several more pages of pictures of the quilts that have been turned in.
Ada came by today and asked if I had any of the fabric left that I had used for my round robin medallion. To my surprise, SHE has it. I had heard she had volunteered to fill in for the person moving out of state. I didn't think it was a done-deal. Maybe it is?
I had a whole project box of "possibles" since the block I came up with is a smaller version of what will be the raffle quilt for WTIL in a few months. At the time I made about 4 or 6 blocks for the quilt so the stuff is still packed up thinking that I'll make my own some day. I probably posted this on my old "lost" blog but here is what my round robin center looked like when it left my house. (Bonnie saw it and liked it for "leaders and enders". It may be on her site but it started here.)
No cooking tonight since we got a cheap pizza with a coupon for Papa John's for lunch and I threw a salad together. No biggie there. Tomorrow will another story, LOL.
A wonderful box of goodies came from Finn today. 2 tops with backs and binding, several quilt backs, cut 2.5 inch squares for leader and ender projects that I'll share with the group and some sweet 30's prints just for me. Oh she knows the key to my heart! Thank you so much, Finn for your help with WTIL quilts. I'm going to have to sneak over before we officially meet to pin or at least grab some batting and pin at Judy's or Aline's.
I am looking forward to getting some piecing done. One of our members who had moved to Birmingham about two years ago lost her battle to ovarian cancer on May 20th, we found out. A heart quilt will be made in Gail's memory. My mom made a whole pile of heart blocks and sent back with me on my recent trip "home." There are few things that just need assembly--the Whatever blocks from the sew in and the mostly done Pineapple Blossoms, 2 of them.
Guess that's it for tonight---