Well, I finished up my Christmas Patience Corners ( shown
HERE) so "now what", I asked myself?
I had some vague notion of quilting as really, really want those personal tops dealt with. BUT, and you
knew there was a "but" I still have piecing on the brain and a half designed scrappy Christmas quilt shown a week ago
To that end I started hunting for those little blocks you see in mid photo and the half done Thimbleberries snowman wall hanging. I went thru the largest tote of Christmas fabric. I have more red and green than I remembered in there but my memory is now refreshed. I completely tore up the closet shelving area before I went to bed......where I found some more stuff in some of my quilt library that I might include if I can re-size it and/or make it fit.

I knew when I got up that nothing was going to get done in the sewing room till I go things organized a bit. Foundation piecing stuff needed to go in one container---not stored in three different spots. I couldn't find anything on the fabric shelf on the right with it all crammed up there atop the baskets. Pinks and blues needed their own containers too. I was tired of needing the step ladder to get up to my embroidery floss. You know how much I love my "redwork". I also needed a different way to store my cone thread--the old container was no longer working. OH, OH serial cleaning! Shown is the AFTER version---trust me, it looks much better than it did.
I was able to move some books from the shelving unit to the file drawer since the foundation piecing stuff came out of the file cabinet. Doing that made more room for some of the newer notebooks of mag clippings and computer printouts. I would still like to go thru the drawer and purge but it can wait.
Things also shifted around in the storage spaces in the TV stand unit. That houses some sewing supplies and some personal UFO's while the hamper contains the donation UFOs, another spot that needs some re-work.
I could tell that I was going to need some larger storage containers to get the job done. Off I went on a run up to the Fred's in Alexandria because they have the hinged, handled storage containers that I like up there. 3-20 qt. containers and 1-35 qt came home with me.

Let the shuffling begin! The next three shots are the closet organization and re-shifting. 35 qt was filled with Christmas crafting supplies. It is now stored with some other like materials in the storage closet off the carport.

I share closet space with the air exchange thing so I have to make the best use of the space that I can, including the back of the door.
I was tired of the spray cans etc always hitting me in the head when they fell off the closet rod area so I found them a new home.
Fabric groupings are in the bins. Some of specific projects and have the fabrics needed to complete them. Quilt kits are boxed up above with more on the book shelves. SIGH--someday.
Also I got the paper products out from under the cutting/pressing table---woohoo! Two of the emptied out open containers went out to the utility room to corral DJ's paints, adhesives and other home maintenance stuff that cannot be stored out in the weather extremes. Look out --this cleaning is moving all thru the house! The surplus stuff I emptied out will go to a donation spot soon. Out to the car trunk with that!

Tight quarters in here--looking to the closet right behind the wall. I was able combine both pineapple log cabin projects. Foundation piecing stuff excluding books has it own spot, in one container. I will still have to move stuff all around from the left to get at it but that is what you have to do when they don't install a wide closet door opening in your house.
The batting rolls are stored to the left of all the hinged containers and the little drawer unit under it--directly below these containers.
I still want to replace the old hamper unit that stores the UFOs and told DJ that is how I will spend my Christmas money. No surprises for me but it makes shopping so much easier for him---and I get what I need/want. There is a bit more straightening up to do before I call it quits for the day. Vacuuming up would be good but Skyler is asleep on the window perch in here.
My desk needs clearing so I think that's next. Quilt designing can start when the room is better picked up. SO it remains a work in progress, don't you think?