Yeah, I know--- like he understands anything we say but " NO" and a sharp clap of the hands as a deterrent. I have noticed that he does stop messing with the tree after DJ scolds him and I come in the room. That is all it takes---he comes meowing to me as if to say "I was being good" pleading his case. Yeah, let me be the enforcer, DJ.
DJ put up the tree a few days ago. I know what Skyler has done the last two nights besides dump over the living room wastebasket. See Mz. Mousie sitting under the tree? Someone, not mentioning any names here, has been dragging her around by that long braided tail. He does this mostly with his teeth as he has no front claws................
What a busy, busy boy! Bet he takes a long, long nap this morning.
The overgrown cat toy was made by my dear friend Joy when I was her secret pal. It was made from a man's sock and lightweight stuffed with fiberfil as it is.
What antics will we awake to tomorrow, I wonder? LOL
Cats are so funny...and very entertaining. Skyler is such a handsome boy.