I didn't notice that my last post was my 400th until I went to post this one. That is a lot of gabbing, LOL. When you consider that I "lost" my first 6 weeks of blog notes, there would be even more out there.
I just finished up my super secret FAB challenge yesterday afternoon and will mail the output of that on to the name that was pulled for me tomorrow. As soon as all 5 of the FABS have received their packages, we will assemble in chat and open them all at the same time--just like Christmas! Chances are, pictures will be posted on our blogs shortly after that, LOL.
No pics of that but I was invited to ride along with my friend Jane and her husband Hugh and our mutual friend Aline to the
Alabama Quilt Symposium on Friday. The event started on Thursday and ran through Saturday in Cullman which is about a hour and half drive away from here. They have had this for several years but this was my first opportunity to go. I am sometimes on vacation when the show is on and would have been this year had we not pushed our trip back. We had lunch when we first got to town at a Sweet Peppers Deli and the show was held at Saint Bernard Retreat and Conference Center, Cullman, AL near the Ava Marie Grotto. They used the gymnasium area for the quilt display and vendors.
I got a few pics before my batteries went dead on me---turned out I accidentally was taking a movie and that sucks up the power in a big hurry. I had scaled back on the usual purse and didn't have room for the backup batteries I should have brought with me. Since I didn't keep a program, I have no idea of who to credit for piecing, quilting or designs but I do have the list of show winners that may give some information if they have a ribbon. These were some that attracted my attention.
Fall themed quilt
Small quilt with mixed technique--small cathedral window, green work, hexagons etc
In the art quilt category-- "Fancy Interpretation of Euclid's Isoceles" by Virginia Bonham
One for
Norma to admire since she decorates and collects chicken things, LOL.
This one was awarded the Best of Show Ribbon--"Purple Mountain Majesty" by Mary Grace Brown and a first place ribbon for Hand Quilted, Appliqued Quilts. I wish I had gotten a picture of one in the large duet quilt category called "Vintage Moments" that had won a 1st place ribbon its category as well as the Judge's Choice ribbon for its maker Joy Flynn. Quilted by Anita Shackleford, no less. It was a toss up between those two quilts for my viewers choice.

I think that this one was called "Guaranteed to Bloom" by JoAnn Copeland designed by
Judy Niemeyer had had taught at a previous symposium and was on this years' faculty. On the website it looks as though the quilter used Niemeyer's Pepperdish Basic pattern to create her version of the quilt. There was also a smaller one with a white background that was also attributed to Judy Niemeyer--"Thistle Creek Crossing" that was very well done.
Cher recently took a class from this same designer and is making the lovely Indian Summer design--can't wait to see how it turns out.
Our friends Betsy and Gary had quilts entered in the show and Betsy's round robin "Esmeralda, the Little Red Hen" received an honorable mention. I showed a picture of it way back when and the unquilted top can be seen
HERE, 5th one down with Betsy coincidentally standing next to it. Gary received a 2nd place ribbon in the large quilt group though had also entered his round robin quilt. Now that one I had something to do with since I was in his RR group--I did the last round of applique. It can be seen
I didn't come home with any fabric other than a gift square from buying a few chances on the Birmingham Quilt Guild's opportunity quilt. No one called yesterday so no doubt someone else was the lucky winner--darn it! We got home about 5 for a fun day away.
Today I have taking care of a few odds and ends since I leave on Tuesday bright and early. Laundry is done, groceries gotten and I am mostly packed. Check list made out and all that. Jut need to resist the impulse to pack half the house to drag along with me. Won't be long now!
Happy Father's Day-------