When I last posted, I had just begun some machine quilting. I did 6 large block
Rising Star on Thursday. The picture links are in my last post for all but the snuggle up so the links are for the online patterns.
Friday I started off with a
Snuggle Up with 6 inch squares and double border that Marilyn had made and donated. I followed that one up with a 4 x 6 block set of
Faux Log Cabin and finished off the evening by doing the horizontal and vertical lines on Boot Scootin' Boogie in the
Warm Wishes.
Saturday, it was back to the center rails on the Warm Wishes and next up the
Hidden Spools By mid afternoon it was onto the last one, Cross Roads to Jerico (see the link to Nancy's original top--I don't see a pattern online)--now that one was a bit labor intensive since I only do ditch work but it was worth the effort even if it took me longer to do it than the other two.
Sunday---bound, labeled and trimmed all 6 of them so the Belles will have plenty of binding to keep them busy at tomorrow's meeting should they not want to pin some of the tops I have on hand.
LOL, no quilting today--I walked, ran a few errands, got my hair cut (short) and worked out some pictures that I can share with fall and/or Thanksgiving themed quilt blocks. You know how many blocks share the same name but can look completely different. This will be the case here. Turkey Tracks, Wild Goose Chase, Maple Leaf.........The numbers are the Brackman assigned numbers from BlockBase software or her book
Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Blocks
Top row: Hickory Leaf or Oak Leaf #3110, Providence #1819 or 2920
2nd row: Duck Tracks (found it on Quilter's Cache), Peace and Plenty #1201
3rd row: Hearth and Home Quilt #3230, my attempt to draw Harvest Basket from the 365 Quilt Blocks a Year Calendar atop my computer---something is wrong and I can't color the danged handle so gave up for now
4th row: Spider Web (there are about 20 some blocks listed in BlockBase that have Spider in the Name so lots of choices there!), Corn and Beans #2486---six blocks with that one.

Moving onto the word "turkey"---all the ones in the right column are called "Turkey Tracks" BlockBase lists 7 of them but these are 1883, 3098 and 3109 from the top.
Left column Turkey Giblets #1305, I would call the next one "Bear Paw" but one of its alternate names is Illinois Turkey Track #1879 and the lat one, Turkey in the Straw #2782

Let's try geese named blocks
Top row: oh this is a good one Wild Goose Chase but alternate names are Ducks and Ducklings, Corn and Beans, Hens and Chicks---its all good, LOL #1859b--the other block is labeled 6-grid Wild Goose Chase in EQ
2nd row: Wild Goose Chase or Birds in Flight but they were flying the right direction till I rotated it #480, the other one also Wild Goose Chase #2051
3rd row: Flock of Geese #1321, more commonly called "Dutchman's Puzzle" but it is another Wild Goose Chase #1339a
4th row: Wild Geese #1692b, Whirling Geese (or Cyclone). You can google them--one is one the McCall's site online and the other Eleanor Burns' Quilt in a Day

Then there is the variety of maple leaves and its variations in spelling
Top row: The Maple Leaf #3736c, Maple Leaf or Autumn Leaves #1887
2nd row: Maple Leaf--that might have been one of the foundation pieced ones, and that other one is called Oak Leaf
3rd row: Maple Leaf #1740, Tesselated Oak Leaf--this started out in BlockBase as #1440 but I eliminated a couple of the extraneous lines
Other suggestions might be Autumn Tints 1103c or 1886, Autumn Star #4186---too many pieces on that one!, Hovering Hawks #1323, Puritan Maiden #2009 and another name for a Lemoyne Star is "Puritan Star Quilt" #3735b
Soooooo when I get those three Fall/Thanksgiving themed row robins coming through here it looks like I will have a lot of choices as this just touched the tip of the iceberg. There are 8 of us in the round this time including me so we will go a little longer and have 6 weeks between rounds. I sure don't want to do the same thing on all three of them as it will not keep their section a surprise when their buddies tops cycle through.
By Wednesday I will be back working on my own row to get those blocks finished up. They are supposed to be in the mail by the weekend. Will I make it?? Going to try but why or why did I procrastinate--guess I was just too busy with the donation work as usual. I think my pot roast is done so catch you later