Jul 31, 2007
why didn't I think of this sooner?
If you feel compelled to go look at them all again, here's the link:
I forget sometimes that I DO have albums up HERE that contain a couple years worth of our quilts--many of the same ones out on the pews are in the 07 album, save the ones from July that I haven't had time to add.
Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments about the quilts. I look at them all spread out on the pews and visualize a young person who might be seated there with that quilt wrapped around them. I am proud of our efforts but we "ain't done yet" This is only the third time in our 7 year existence that we have been able to spread them out like this. In past years they were mailed off or donated locally in smaller numbers to various locations. It has just been the recent push to gather a nunmber of quilts for the same spot that we have stockpiled quilts for any one year. We don't take them up till we have enough for ALL the available beds with some to spare so the kids don't have to worry about "when will I get my turn?"
I have gotten some questions from some fellow bloggers about what they can do to help our efforts and offers of donated tops and so forth. While we are happy to take those unfinished projects on, I know of another effort that might be a way you can help an equally good cause. I would like to direct you all to my friend Pam's website (formerly of this stash webring) HERE. Pam and several of her local friends in Oregon are trying to get 200 quilts for Mexico by April 2008. I know first hand what an effort it is to get THAT many quilts together and I have about double the amount of people making them than she does! Stop by her place for the particulars. She has tons of pictures of children in Mexico and Sierra Leone where they have delivered quilts in previous years.
On a more personal note, I hope to have the little Ohio Star quilt done today so have something new to share with you. I took the last hand quilting stitches last evening and got a good start on the binding. Then the phone rang---my mom who I had talked to in a little over a week so let the gabbing begin. No sooner did I hang up did I start IM'ing Norma. Those two are leading me down the primrose path, so to speak! I want to do it all, don'tcha know? My mom pointed out the Grandma's Scrap Basket pattern from Miss Rosie's Quilt Company that I believe could be used for a Heartstrings type quilt and Norma's color catcher pieced strings. I had emailed her a site to look at and we were off and running. Then Norma found a picture of one in a webshot album HERE. Between this and the 4 patch stacked posie Norma shared with me a few weeks back, I may have picked out part of my upcoming birthday present, LOL.
Sorry for the pictureless post but there are plenty to be seen in the previous 4 posts, so maybe I'm not all that sorry after all, LOL. Have a great day in whatever you chose to do...........
Jul 28, 2007
quilt display 1
I posted the pictures "backwards" as you know how the blogs go newest to oldest--there are 4 posts (20 pics) to see. Right after our display ended the girls helped me gather up the quilts since they were headed to three different locations. The bulk of them, of course, were delivered to the Boy's Big Oak Ranch. Lois counted 68 but I have been number crunching and verifying my documentation from the past two years with the pictures all evening-- mathematically it should total 67. I seem to be missing one, LOL--I looked very carefully at these pics to be sure I didn't spot it.
I set aside 11 that will go to PCHC soon and have 15 to send to WTIL headquarters as soon as I round a couple of boxes. Of course when I asked DJ to help me haul them back in the house his comment was "I thought you gave them all away today" ---close but not quite yet. . Thanks again to the blogger friends who have helped us to reach our goals for the kids and of course, my dear Bama Belles---look what we can do when we put our minds to it.
SOOOOO, I'll hush up and let you enjoy the show-----

quilt display 2
quilt display 3
Jul 25, 2007
wrapping things up

Pictured is the Heartstrings top the Belles pieced, I assembled and Ginny quilted with a nice red zigzag. I spent a good chunk of Monday doing the binding.
I just took a trial run up to the Ranch right after lunch since I was not sure how to get there. Good thing too, as I misread the directions the Social Worker had given me on the phone. I got it straight in my head now and enough to write up directions to anyone in the group who needs them.
When I arrived at the meeting site yesterday, there was a package waiting for me. Ashley (I don't believe she has a blog for me to link to---yet) had emailed me a couple weeks ago to ask if we accepted donated quilt tops. She had a couple of children's quilts sitting in the closet that she knew she would not be quilting. I think she felt that they might be better put to use by someone else.

So here they are, with our thanks! Finn will love her orphaned block quilt on the left---a little Ohio Star is peeking out along with a couple of scrappy nine patches and crumb blocks. The center one has cat fabrics plus the same fabric she used for the one on the end in a Once Around log Cabin type set. The group loved them, Ashley. They were trying to figure out just how that third one went together--just where the blocks were. I half expected to see someone with a ruler and paper mapping it out. We dug around in the donation bin and found backings for all three of them and they are pinned and stacked on my armoire.

I think they pinned 6 quilts including the three tops that Ashley sent. I had told Theramae that I didn't want to pin all day since I wanted to hand quilt. I knew there were 7 tops in the closet if they felt like pinning---and there still are, LOL. She and I got things set up to pin a top she had made and I started to help and so did Lois. Then reinforcements came and Lois and I started on other things. I got busy taking pictures and helping Beverly with a quilt idea she had. (It's on point so she needed to know what size to cut the setting triangles and so forth)
Jane had a really pretty Warm Wishes variation in purples and a really cool folded pinwheel top that she is still working on. I hope that she and Sarah will show us just how they did the block at a future meeting. She said that you cut a square in inch smaller or larger than the background and it looked as though you folded it in half on the diagonal and then folded the tip back so it almost looked like one that you would make from paper. Sound familiar to anyone? One of the girls thought it might be a fun sew in block. Agreed!

A couple of the girls were sewing--Lois on some more Puss in the Corner blocks. Janet was working on her "Crossing Pathways" top (Eleanor Burns Still Stripping book) from the last meeting and just lacked sewing on one border. I was hoping it would be done so I could share a picture of it. Diane is making the same quilt--they took the same class--but was not happy with her color choices. Diane recently retired from teaching so we hope she can come sew with us more often. Pat was trying to figure out what to use for a backing on her McCloskey butterfly quilt---I found something that I thought might work in the donation bin. Judy and I convinced her it was a better choice, LOL. Of course, Judy had just come from getting her eyes dilated for an exam so Pat had to take my word for it. It needed seaming but she borrowed Janet's machine to take care of it and it is pinned as well and sitting on my armoire.

I came home with 7 finished quilts and 4 pinned tops. I counted 30 finished quilts in my bedroom and I can only guess just how many are over at Linda S' house. Monday evening I told Mom that I was down to 3 tops and thought I could get them quilted this week . I could then say, however, briefly that I was caught with the Wrap 'Em quilts. But that's okay---more quilts for more kids somewhere.
Here is Finn's Ohio Stars #1 all quilted. I have two motifs of 7 hand quilted on the stars with alternating snowballs. That's what I'll work on today for a while. Not sure what happened to today but it is 4:15 already. And I've done diddly except walk, make breakfast and nuke lunch, update the quilt document, take care of our banking deposit and run up and back to the Ranch--oh and type this up, of course. Till next time-----
Jul 22, 2007
quilting--the slow way

For years I did not machine quilt and resisted it like crazy. I like the looks of hand quilting best for my own quilts but who has the time? When Joy and I got started making them for WTIL and she was getting stuck doing mine too, it was definitely time to bite the bullet. So sometime in 2000 I learned how. I still do not like to free motion. I don't like a quilt to be stippled within an inch of it's life either--not for kids anyway where I am a firm believer in the "cuddle factor". There are some fantastic machine quilters out there using domestic machines, long arms and everything in between. Just won't be me, LOL.
So the binding will get done by Saturday on the Heartstrings top but I am going to enjoy slowing down and taking these stitches. DJ noticed what I was doing and asked me if was hurting my hands. Not really but machine quilting isn't any easier of those bothersome thumbs either or cutting and doing the claw fingers thing. Look at it as exercising the joints. Where is this day going to? It is almost time to think about fixing supper. Didn't we just eat?
Jul 21, 2007
Saturday doings

Ginny had completed the quilting on the Heartstrings top the group made while her two young daughters were at day camp. Interruptions at home made her afraid she would not get binding finished in time for the quilt display next weekend so they ran it by for me to bring home to work on. May have pictures of that one in a day or two.
Shortly after lunch the power went off and stayed off for 5 hours. DJ and I left to get a sandwich for supper since cooking was out. The power company had indicated on the phone that a tree had fallen on the lines somewhere and it might be 7 before we might have power resumed. ( Somewhere in the half hour we were gone it came back on earlier than their estimate. ) We had a pretty good band of thunderstorms and rainfall totals through all that. Fortunately that kept the temps down enough to open the windows and doors because fans and a/c were out. Sewing and playing on the computer were out, binding and any other handwork was too since it was too dark so I read for a bit but could not get into the book, took a little nap, considered going somewhere once the rain cleared up but where? I was bored out of mind. That happens so rarely.
Pippi's labs had shown some slight improvement for which I am grateful. Holding her own in that department though I guess she will have to go back for monthly checks from here on. They took her back for the blood draw and then had us wait out in the reception area for the results so she didn't have to stay all day this time. Next time I'll take a book or handwork with us. Won't help Pippi much but it will me, LOL. She didn't mind being in that carrier near as much when some large dogs came in to be boarded.
Today, a little laundry, walking is done and a couple of errands run, will have to come up with two meals since there are no leftovers except that Blueberry pudding cake. Now, I'll hit that binding--more blog fodder, after all.
Jul 18, 2007
this and that
Been somewhat quiet around here the last two days. I finished quilting the sashed Ohio Star quilt seen HERE yesterday afternoon and started finishing the binding on my Beetle quilt. Pat came by to pick up 3 quilts since she volunteered for binding detail. I dropped Lois' quilt off for her yesterday morning and caught her in the middle of freezing corn. She sent some cukes home with me but unfortunately, DJ thought it was a bag of kitchen scraps and tossed them. ( Color me sad)
I had a few errands to run this morning as well as a couple of calls/emails to make in regard to the quilts we will be delivering to the Boys Big Oak Ranch. We CAN deliver them to the facility the day we lay them out on the church pews which will be a good deal---won't have to haul them all back to Linda S for storage just to drag them all back out a few days later. And, I sent something into the community pages of our paper as invitation for anyone to come see them that would like to do so. As part of the press release I needed to get a tally of just how many quilts we have donated since we started in 2000----1575!! and we aren't done for this year yet. That's a lot of kids wrapped in love. Of course, we have had help over the years---our friends who have come to sew-in's we have hosted over the years have helped sew and donated tops; friends from the internet have sent tops, blocks and fabrics, my Mom who is a long distant Belle has made tons of quilts for WTIL and so forth. Still, not bad!
I don't have any finished tops to show you and Pippi has been making herself scarce lately so no recent pics of her either. SO I'll guess I'll share a picture of the WTIL raffle quilt. The yahoo group helped make blocks some time back and my mom came down to Alabama for us to assemble it. Ellen asked someone to quilt it but that did not work out because of the quilter's teaching and traveling schedule but no matter, it is done now, thanks to Ellen.
Tickets are available on the Wrap Them In Love site (which I cannot open at the moment. ) Go to the home page HERE and click on the raffle quilt if you are interested in purchasing tickets. I don't think that this is going to click bigger so please check out the one posted on the website so you can see the quilting better. I believe that the drawing will be held in December. I thank you for your consideration of a cause that is near and dear to me and others.
We have been having a bad time with ants this year, both inside and out. Remember when they zapped out the switch in the air conditioner a couple of weeks back? I have had it with insects that belong outside being inside though. Last week they had gotten into a cupboard with baking supplies, sauce mixes and pasta. Tonight just as I was starting supper I discovered that they were in the muffin mix (double corn casserole was intended), dried soup mixes, puddings and jellos. When I think about the money that just went down the drain in recent days with those pests it about makes me sick. We have tried everything to get rid of them! Right now the cupboard contents that could be salvaged are sitting in laundry baskets on the kitchen floor. I do not want to deal with putting the stuff away tonight.
Speaking of Pippi, we have to go for her followup labs tomorrow to see how her kidney function is holding up. Of course they would like us to make an appointment. HA! She disappears and pops out when she darned well feels like it. Just when she is starting to trust us NOT to be putting her in the carrier every time she turns around, I'll prove that her trust was unwarranted. Bad kitty mama! She has been staying out from under the bed a bit more during the day time hours. In the evening and at night she curls up on the sewing room pressing/cutting table on whatever quilt is laying out but retreats once DJ and I get navigating in the morning. I think she could be eating better but subjectively she seems to be acting okay. Cross your fingers that she doesn't have to have IVs for a couple days again.
I tried a new recipe tonight from the Southern Food about.com site---if you have fresh blueberries on hand, you may want to give it a whirl. Pretty tasty and not too sweet.
Easy Blueberry Pudding Cake
- 2 cups fresh blueberries
- juice and zest of 1 small lemon
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup low fat or whole milk
- 1 large egg
- 1/4 cup melted butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 3/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 1 cup boiling water
Place blueberries and lemon juice in a buttered 8-inch square pan. Mix flour, baking powder, soda, salt, spices, and 2/3 cup sugar. In another bowl whisk together the milk, egg, melted butter, and vanilla.
Stir dry ingredients into the milk mixture; pour evenly over berries, spreading if needed. Mix 3/4 cup sugar with cornstarch and sprinkle evenly over batter. Slowly pour boiling water over all. Bake at 350° for 40 to 50 minutes.
Guess that's if for today--------
Jul 15, 2007

Here is the official portrait of the Framed 4 patch on point. I finished up the binding on Wednesday. Judy dropped off the batting roll so I ran it and the quilt over to the meeting place to take the picture. The blocks were donated by Nancy. There were others in brights that made their way into their own top that Ginny quilted a few months back but the pinks and browns needed their own dedicated top, I thought. Reminds me of Neopolitan Ice cream with that soft pink background.
I've been busy quilting since Thursday afternoon and have 4 tops done---one of Lois' that she could not get to, my Beetle top, Bowtie top and a red crazy patch whole cloth. 3 of those are definitely going to the Boys Ranch--the red one not so sure (girlie??). Lois will get hers back to bind and Pat has volunteered to take a couple of them. I'll do the Beetle one myself for a handwork project over the next week.

Jul 10, 2007
this and that on a Tuesday
I think I had a day like Pam described in her post as far as productivity yesterday. A little of little odds and ends were tended to.
- First off, I recovered my little under the desk footstool again. I found this piece of tapestry in the Christmas fabric basket and hopefully it will wear a little better than the cotton stuff I put on last time. I stuck down the batting this time with double stick carpet tape. The corners aren't the neatest but it beats the way it did look! See the kitties on there and snowmen too--two fav motifs.
- Put some elastic back in a bow and garter thing for a basket of hair brushes and doodads that sits in the bathroom
- Pressed and wound up 6 quilts worth of binding--ugh but necessary
- Trimmed down those 28 HST squares from the snowballs from Sunday--3 1/2 unfinished so little Churn Dash blocks might be cute?
- Marked a heart motif in the snowball blocks---might hand quilt them and live to regret seaming that one white block
- Started the hand finishing on the binding on THIS quilt---since it is a girl quilt, there was no rush though the top has been quilted for some time.
- Load of laundry and pot of vegetable beef barley soup for lunch
Here is Pippi catching the last bit of afternoon sun. We had a band of high wind and rain come blasting through here just minutes after I got home from our quilt meeting today. The sirens were going off when I was about half way home but no local news about what was happening. The skies looked ominous and the cloud formations looked worse and worse the closer I drove to home. I had to wonder if we had tornado warnings but DJ said not. We got about an inch of rain in less than an hour and then it cleared up leaving Pippi her sun patch.
Here are a couple of the quilt from the meeting today. Lois made this little cutie for a friend of her mom's who just had a little girl. Knowing that it was going to the little one soon I took the picture, clips and unfinished binding and all. The bear motifs were made on her embroidery machine. Just a sweet little quilt, I thought.
This is an adapted BQ top--we resized the pattern to use 9 inch finished squares of the focus fabric. Lois pieced this one as well. I love the black check binding on this one. We had to laugh when Pat said that she knew that it was a car print but from where she was sewing it looked like fish instead especially on that bright blue background.
I pinned 5 quilts today till I emptied off the batting roll. We have more but it was in storage at one of the girls homes and she had a previous obligation. That was okay though---I had enough! Theramae had been helping me but left early as she was not feeling well-- I just kept plugging with some intermittent help from the others. Lois had her machine and was looking for something to work on---I remembered that we had a bunch of 5 inch squares leftover from some Puss in the Corner blocks "Billie Lauder style" and got her started on those. Janet was working on a quilt from "Still Stripping" called "Crossing Pathways". She said she had made a mistake on the blocks but made it consistently on her blocks so it was her own version. We put our heads together for block setting opinions and how it might be quilted. Pat was putting borders on a Marsha McCloskey style butterfly quilt--from "Quilts for Katie Rose" I believe. Aline would have been sewing but left without her sewing machine foot--oops! She helped me pin for a bit instead. She had been sewing a lot at home so we just figured she could use the break.
Since I now have 9 quilts in my pinned stack, you will know where to find me this next week or so. Three of them are definitely heading out of the Boys Ranch -- those are on the fast track and need to be done by month's end. The others can wait a bit longer.
And so it goes in my little corner of the world.........
Jul 8, 2007
stashbusting my way to another top

I stitched up the cutaways from the diagonally flipped corners for the snowball blocks so have a nice pile of HST's to trim down for something----maybe include them in the orphan block pile I came up with when I was cleaning last weekend. A green floral Debbie Mumm print with white lilies of the valley I had intended for binding on another quilt a couple years back has finally found an appropriate quilt. Plus I had enough of a green scribble on white background leftover from a Hancock's closing sale purchase to use for the backing.
There were some pretty 4 1/2 inch squares left that were cut for block centers and some background fabric left but I'll set those aside for another use. Nine patches or something ?
Done stitching for the day----
Jul 7, 2007
drippy day

So, my tally for the last few days:
There are some leftover Ohio Star blocks and Finn had included the pieces to make at least 4 more which will be good. I am thinking that I could use 8 blocks with an alternating square of some sort to get another top out of the deal. Got any other suggestions for an alternating block besides something plain? These are 12 inch blocks and something like nine patches would just look odd that big. Maybe something like this though the colors are not right in the EQ sketch. In reality the background color is a nice light green with a ribbon figure on it but probably from a distance reads sort of grayish. Part of the reason why I chose white for sashing on the top I assembled is it would have been hard to match the colors in the background and there was not enough left if I want to squeeze out some more QST's. The snowball colors would be dependent on what color predominates or contrasts best with the available blocks.
Joy will be bringing me the last row robin top in a few hours. Knowing me, I'll put off working on that since I have nearly a month to do my obligation but I still want to see what it is! Appliqued and houses, I have heard. But for now, I'll concentrate on those Ohio Stars for the remainder of the weekend. Beyond that, a stack of 4 quilts is waiting for me with the possibility of bringing more home after the meeting.
And so it goes in my little corner of the world..........
Jul 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July
Jul 3, 2007
Best laid plans.........

I thought I would share some pictures of the crepe (crape?) myrtle trees that are just starting to come out. There are four total in our yard. This red one is probably my favorite, colorwise. When we first moved here 10 years ago, it appeared to be a fairly recent planting and it was growing as "crooked as a dog's hind leg" as DJ would say. It spent some time getting staked up. The kudzu, of course, is the greenest thing around but the yard has shaped up considerably with a bit of rain in early June. It has been a little spotty at our house lately with other areas getting some measurable amounts. (The bare patches on the yard were once fire ant mounds)
Still, voluntary water reduction made no difference in the town's water tanks and our little burg is now under water restrictions--several towns in the county are since they estimate us to be anywhere from 14 to 20 inches behind on rainfall totals. This ban won't effect DJ and I much since the two of us use well below the gallon uses before they would tack another 40 bucks on the water bill. Having said that, we will do our part in the home/yard just because we ALL should conserve that precious resource, drought or not. Off the soap box---that would require rinsing, no doubt, LOL

Somewhere on the page, the Rose of Sharon in the back yard that has a bunch of angel trumpets and day lilies underneath it. Rather an odd color mix with those pinky purplish flowers but it gives DJ something to look at while seated at the kitchen table. To the right, his pampered princess, lilac bush. Those are not native to Alabama apparently so he has to augment the soil, fertilize etc to even get it to grow. He mowed last night but needs to weed whack!

So anyway, in spite of my "late" start this morning I quickly sorted the laundry and got that started, did my walking and ran a quick grocery errand for a couple items needed for the next couple days. Actually I was half considering what the supermart would have thought if I just grabbed a cart and walked for 40 some minutes really fast as it felt so cool and climate controlled in there---I could grab the produce quick on the way. Several laps from one end to the other and front to back might do it?? Took the pictures on my return and started my post. Nothing exciting but hey, I can live without that.
Speaking of excitement (read: expense) we can do without--- the a/c problem from Sunday? Believe it or not, it was caused by dead ant bodies. They are awful this year with the drought but who knew they could cause this? Apparently the contact points inside the switch attract them. They all follow each other so the gap is filled up with more and more of them. The a/c repair guy said that roaches will do the same thing. Now that DJ knows this, he can keep on eye on things. As for the vacuum cleaner I may have ruined (third time the card has been electrical taped, after all), he did some minor repair but I believe we are in the market for a new one--at least pricing them for now and tracking down a "Consumer Reports" best buy recommendation first.
On the quilting/piecing front: I have a small basket with quilt kits stuck in it that I intend to work on over the next month or so but it was packed to the gills. Some of the "packing" is the other half of the blocks from Nancy's donation this spring---they were twin sized and we can get two quilts for the kids made with those. (One quilt I cannot bear to re-size yet and the group had some other suggestions for it that we will re-visit). I re-assembled one top yesterday, bordered it with some fabric from my stash, found a neat border stripe of undetermined origin (all I know is that I didn't buy it, LOL) that I cut on the bias to set it off and then backed it with yardage from my muslin bolt. Silly me, bought 36 wide so everything takes two widths of fabric. I washed and ironed about 8 yards of that yesterday---my low back is NOT happy with me. Who knew that ironing could be injurious to your health? I knew I didn't like doing it! Now Pippi thought it was great!!! I could not keep her off the fabric as I pressed it--the teflon coating on the pressing board was nice and hot and the muslin smelled nice and clean. Met the kitty criteria anyway.
I had missed Judy's post about the July challenge till I read it on Mary's post ( behind on reading-- again)---guess I just met some of that challenge criteria and didn't even know it! I had started on a 2nd set of blocks last night--the body is back together; the border fabric is pulled and pressed so I'll pick up with that one. Time to check the dryer.............the stuff that life is made up........
Jul 1, 2007
busy busy but not quilting

I had told DJ that once I was done with the row obligation I intended to give this house a thorough cleaning. I was tired of looking at the clutter I had been piling up in the sewing room and in/on my desk. I was tired of looking at the dust and it was just time before I start quilting or piecing again. Of course he asks "who is coming to visit?" No one, but I want it clean for US. He, of course, could care less but did vacuum part of the hall and living room for me. What I really wanted him to do was mop the kitchen floor but NOOOOOO. I may tackle that tomorrow.
I cleaned out the desk, the stuff on the desk, the TV stand that holds quilting stuff, all the bookcases in the entire house, save one (he can clean his own room and bathroom). Boxed up some books for library donation and went through all the stuff on my sewing room shelves today. Tossed some but not much. I am beat!
My husband has a goofy way of running the a/c. It has to get to about 80 in here before I can turn it on or 1130 a.m. or thereabouts. It goes off at 10 p.m. regardless of the house temperature. Just stating fact---I have gripped about this incessantly over the years. It does no good to try to tell him this is less than efficient way to run it. He's the one paying the bill and I have far more um, "insulation" than he does so the heat bothers me more than him. Well, today it didn't matter. I turned it on all right but it was not cooling we discovered about 2 hours later. Sure enough the fan unit outside was not working. He could not reach any heating/air conditioning guy to come out, this being Sunday in the Bible Belt. It was miserable---outside temps 88 and inside the same and me, trying to get my work finished. I was just about ready to get in the car and blast the car a/c. At that point I was dressed in the coolest thing I own (my nightgown) and had my too short hair yanked back the best I could, sweaty, sticky, gritty, dirty and no way could I remotely get out of the car anywhere. Shower first and then consider it. Finally an afternoon thunderstorm came blowing in and that provided some cloud cover and about 5 degrees of temperature drop. Another reason for Pippi to lay low--thunderbumpers. We didn't get much in the way of rain though I suspect that other parts of the county did.
The other thing---I probably killed the vacuum cleaner. I got a little tingle in my finger when I was doing the final vacuum in the sewing room. I must have vacuumed over the cord and it chewed through to the wire. Third time one of us has done that but this time was worst. I don't know if he can fix it or not but the thing sounded like it was on its last legs. More expense even if he can replace the cord.
And so it goes at my house----I am going to be happy to get back to the walking trail tomorrow since I felt I have worked harder with housework than walking 2.2 miles.
Happy Canada Day to the bloggin friends to our North though I guess this being Sunday it will be observed tomorrow instead?