Well, so far today---nothing creative happening but a few more hand quilting stitches put in the border of my FAB friendship quilt.
I just got back from about a 100 mile round trip to take my Strip Twist top, last seen
HERE , to the long arm quilter. Does that count, LOL? The weather forecast at week's end may be a little iffy so I thought today would be the best day for such a trip. It will be about a month or so before she get to it judging by the length of her list and her best estimation but that is perfectly fine. Maybe by pickup time I can share a ride back up as several other quilting buddies names were either right before mine or right after. I chatted with Susan for a bit, found some embroidery floss I needed at her shop, got a reuben sandwich (yum!) at Mill Street Deli and then drove on home.
My Sunday project was to put the binding on my Belles challenge quilt, last shown
HERE . I had quilted it and one other donation quilt
last week as planned. As it turns out I was able to use the leftover binding from it on the little calendar quilt block as well. I like to put plaid, gingham or stripe fabric on the bias so that worked out well for both quilts. Earlier in the day I had finished up the embroidered bits called for in the quilt. I also traced off
THIS cute cat stitchery from Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly fame---part of a CATALICIOUS quilt, free BOM. I have a good bit of the cat stitched and a good bit done on the Freckles "Quilts yes!" I linked to in a prior post.

I had posted about the FAB reveal Monday evening. Today I lifted Cher's graphic from her post today since I forgot to take a pic of the finished project before I mailed it off to her. Silly girl!
Anyway.........the light tone on tone was the challenge fabric. The multi colored piece I picked up at the Fabric Depot in Portland at the FAB retreat to possibly use for the challenge provided it fit into my pattern choice. The remaining pieces are from the Twilight Frost collection from Connecting Thread---the sage colored one is called "Falling Snow", the stripe "Snow Tracks" and the dark piece "Blizzard" so I felt it fit a challenge name of "Baby's It's Cold Outside" I had initially planned on doing something way different than this involving circles and applique and such. Well that was one of several ideas I had but just as I was about to start I found out I had made a fabric ordering error. I was running out of time and made a wintery Convergence instead. But since I had ordered more for that other plan, I still have yardage to use. Not that circle thing but possible a scaled down version of
THIS pattern from Connecting Threads. I have odd sized cuts and a charm pack, not fats, so that is why I am thinking scaled down. I could also finish my OWN version of convergence one of these days, instead of just hanging it off the bookcase till the end of time, LOL.
The stitcheries and handquilting are ongoing things so what is next on the list? We pinned my Sisterhood of Quilters top yesterday at the quilt meeting so I can quilt that at any time. It wouldn't take long and the "right" machine is out. I am due a "reward" piece but had not quite decided which one though Susan provided a nudge today.
You see, she had her version of Amy Bradley's
Seasoned Quilter hanging at the shop---the birthday cake had been hanging but she didn't have the hearts done for February yet. Cute, way cute! Well, being an Amy Bradley fan I have that set of patterns on hand and really, really want to do them one of these days
but I have had the
Quilt Diva stuff longer. In fact, the fabric for the base of it is all kitted up while the Seasoned quilter is not PLUS it is on my 10n10 list. I mentioned that I should probably think about investing in a mega roll of steam a seam 2 when I was ready to do both of these projects. Susan handed me a couple yards of Pellon fusible to use and gave me orders to show some progress on the quilt, LOL---either of them. I guess to prove it, I should have it done and bring it with me when I pick up my Strip Twist.
Did you hear that boredom can be bad for your health? That is the theory put forth in to
this blurb I spotted this morning on my home page. Well, no way I am getting bored! I could do something different in the crafty department every day!
Hope you have a wonderful day in whatever you chose to do---------