Armed with a 40% off anniversary coupon, I ran over to Hancock's and found a piece for backing fabric on my kitty challenge quilt I finished last week. Michael Miller Bling Kitty that is as bright as the front---4 yards of fabric and 1 yard of Wonder Under that I could use my guild 10% and I came out of the store under 20 bucks but just barely.
Then I came home and got started on this little insert for my calendar quilt. I haven't worked out how to do the turkey I mentioned yesterday yet but it is not November yet. Halloween is closer. I ended up hand appliquing it but had a little goof-up. Here the tombstone and pumpkin were flat on the bottom because they were supposed to sit on the horizon on the ground with the ghostie in the foreground. That was not how I basted them down so first thing this morning---un-do, adjust and re-baste, finish the applique. Just finished the binding. If you resize it don't look too close at the stitching--those deep dips things are not easy! Some leftover binding from the Santa Magic wall hanging I just finished recently came in quite handy. I may piece a little 8 inch leaf block this afternoon. Tomorrow I will be starting on that round robin----do not let me make any excuses. Nag me if you have to---------
I got a phone call today from a local lawyer for whom I made 3 commissioned SEC quilts two or three years ago. The link will take you to a picture I posted a few months ago of one of them--all three were identical. At the time we had talked about making a 4th for his son and possibly a tee shirt quilt for him as well. I thought he had decided not to do this after all and I returned the leftover logo fabric to him. He may have contacted another quilter to do the work which was fine with me. SOOO it looks like I will have at least one t-shirt quilt to make for Christmas and possibly another SEC quilt for a client. I meet with him next week to talk things over. I am not going to even try to quilt a queen sized t-shirt one---not when there are long armers around here that will do a good job for him. I'd rather piece any day!!
I told you I would be sharing a couple quilt from the Bama Belles meeting earlier this week. Because these two are similiar in their assembly I chose them. Aline had a nice Christmas sampler that I can sahre in another post.
You will recognize the block that is called by so many names that I finally threw up my hand and called it Whatever. In an post I could think of three different designers that had the same resultant pattern. Looking at the pattern I saw a 4th way of construction and I would be doubtful that variation had not occured to someone else along the line. Some of the girls worked on blocks so I had enough to assemble a quilt with them.
On a couple of occasions Finn has kindly sent us some cut 2.5 inch squares. Theramae used the Caffrey method to make her top, meaning Exquisite (or Signature) blocks alternating with 4-4 patch sections. I bet Finn can spot some old favorites in this one. It will be donated probably to the girls at the Talledega Presbyterian Home because it is backed with a pink print. She made this one as well but arranged it medallion style using the same Exquisite block but alternating in some cases with four patches. The top is not quite completed however--we were debating about the color to use for a 2 inch finished border. She had a light blue which I thought didn't provide much contrast with the muslin background. I suggested a nice dark green with a gold dusting on top which I had with me. I sent some of home with her to left her decide. Of course, we all were weighing in on which one we liked best, LOL--about half one and half the other, BTW. She will add another row of blocks all the way around the border.
Plans are to hand quilt it and then it will be raffled to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.
By the time I actually hit publish it will be 4:30 and about time to think about fixing supper. What, I haven't quite decided. Jeanne's suggestion of beef pizzola and pesto potatoes sure sounded good and I have the stuff on hand to make it. We have already had our larger meal at lunch with last night's leftovers. I'll decide once I actually get in there.
Till next time-----------