Dec 30, 2011
A shoppin' we will go
Today Heart to Heart Quilt Shop in Trussville (AL) was having an anniversary sale. Jane had offered to drive and could take 5 including herself. We had agreed to meet at 9:30 at our usual spot and took off.
All was going well till we got hung up on Chalkville Mtn. Road near downtown Trussville but a train stopped on the tracks. Finally when almost all the cars ahead of us had done a three point turnaround and went back around we figured that the locals must know another route. Sure enough----the next street down had an overpass OVER the stopped train. (That stinkin' train was STILL stopped in the same position when we were coming back home!!) That detour told us that the Chocolate Biscuit was probably not open as we did not see a single car in the lot at 11 a.m. We went to Applebee's for lunch near the quilt shop instead before we even went shopping. Crossing Chalkville Mtn. Road or turn left onto it can be a real nightmare as there is too much traffic on a far too narrow road. We immediately ran into a bunch of quilters we knew from Calhoun County too.
The shop had everything marked down at least 30%----so that meant the fat quarters I got were 30% off. Then there were a few shelves of 50% off with minimum 1 yard cuts and table with 75% off as well as a spot where you could stuff everything you wanted into a small bag ( the size they use for patterns) for 5 bucks as long as you could close the seal.
So what are you looking at here? Above, Popsicle Sticks ammunition. I pulled the fabric bin of teals out last night. I had a pretty good idea that I needed to concentrate on some lighter fabrics for the strips set stratas on our run today. Darks and mediums are pretty well covered. I can pull the purples, pinks and green bins out but basically I was going with the colors in that Amelia by Me & My Sister I had gotten as part of my Christmas present from DJ. The thumbnails on the link will show most of the included fabrics in the jelly roll. Once I took the tie off I can't get it rolled back up like they had it , LOL.
You will also see my over stuffed pattern bag above as well, next to the jelly roll. Here is what I had
stuffed in it. The pale green is quilt cut aways as I was allowed to remove the batting that was sewn to it. Turquoise gingham---about a fat's worth. A few pieces of lime green that might work for some short strips. The pinkish piece and the blue print yardage are about a half yard wide!! Score.
A closeup of my purchases. Fats in the first row and yards in the 2nd. On sale, more bang for my Christmas spending money----THX DJ!
Since I had to buy more than I really needed for this project and obviously I have stuff in my stash to use as well I have a feeling that this will move on to other alternate quilts. I have Ring Around pattern from Four Paws Quilting that would be a good choice---scroll down the page a bit.
On the way home we had a choice about which route to take. Both would end up at the same spot in the middle of Ragland on AL 144. I don't think anyone was on a "deadline" to get home so that helped too. One of the gals is in the process of making two commissioned baby quilts for a woman with twin daughters. She apparently needs to arrange for someone to machine stipple them in "pink variegated thread" according to the mama. We had talked about the reasonable machine quilting prices at Ashville House Quilt Shop. When we left Trussville traveling through the back roads, we said we could go thru Ashville on the way home. Two of the girls had not been there before and would know their way over, should they decide to have Pat quilt them for her.
At first we were not sure they were open as they were doing some roofing and repair work outside. It being Friday she normally would be open but we are talking about a holiday weekend. But the workmen assured us that the shop was open. We just needed to use a different entrance into the house/shop. The stop actually turned out to be good idea as Lois had been looking for horse fabric for another sort of commissioned piece---and Pat had some, while Heart to Heart did not. I picked up that pink piece on top with the needle and thread on it and the light purple fat quarters at Ashville House.
Once I got home I finished putting the Christmas decorations back up with DJ pitching in to help haul the boxes in and out from the shed. It is amazing how quickly that stuff can get packed up when it takes a good part of the day to put it out! So we are now in the snowman decorating phase for a couple of months, LOL.
Tomorrow I am back to quilting----personal project this time and a small one at that. Closer to one last finish for 2011?? I'm pokey with binding so I am guessing not but an early finish for 2012 may be more possible!
I wish all the best for you in 2012--------
Dec 29, 2011
Thursday check in
I am happy to report that I finished up the last of the 6 donation quilts today. When I snapped the picture I was working on the diagonal grid I had marked through the string blocks on a top that Aline had pieced. Now it is completed with binding and label attached. Woohoo!
To celebrate I am headed over to Trussville tomorrow for a day out with a few of the girls. I think we are going to the Chocolate Biscuit for lunch at the tea room . The main reason for the trip is going to Heart to Heart Quilt Shop as they are having an anniversary sale.
Here is Skyler keeping me company in his perch this afternoon. At least he was not hoping up on the sewing table and just staring at me like he was this morning. Uh, a little hard to quilt that way but perhaps that was his point, LOL.
My plan for this evening is to see where I have some holes in my stash for the upcoming "Popsicle Sticks" for Norma's bday par-tay. Even with a Jelly Roll with 40 strips I will need about 3 times that for get it to full/queen. I don't want a lot of yardage but a few fats might help. See what is on sale tomorrow.
I still have "Give Thanks" Button Up (last seen HERE) to quilt but it will wait till the weekend. Then I am going to sew to my hearts content. I intend to get going on my adapted Oxmoor House Christmas quilt so that is probably what I will work on in coming weeks. ( EQ Sketch of it) at the link. I am already tired of having to move the holiday fabric tote around but said I would not put it back till the blocks were done, after all. Hold me to it!
To celebrate I am headed over to Trussville tomorrow for a day out with a few of the girls. I think we are going to the Chocolate Biscuit for lunch at the tea room . The main reason for the trip is going to Heart to Heart Quilt Shop as they are having an anniversary sale.
Here is Skyler keeping me company in his perch this afternoon. At least he was not hoping up on the sewing table and just staring at me like he was this morning. Uh, a little hard to quilt that way but perhaps that was his point, LOL.
My plan for this evening is to see where I have some holes in my stash for the upcoming "Popsicle Sticks" for Norma's bday par-tay. Even with a Jelly Roll with 40 strips I will need about 3 times that for get it to full/queen. I don't want a lot of yardage but a few fats might help. See what is on sale tomorrow.
I still have "Give Thanks" Button Up (last seen HERE) to quilt but it will wait till the weekend. Then I am going to sew to my hearts content. I intend to get going on my adapted Oxmoor House Christmas quilt so that is probably what I will work on in coming weeks. ( EQ Sketch of it) at the link. I am already tired of having to move the holiday fabric tote around but said I would not put it back till the blocks were done, after all. Hold me to it!
Dec 27, 2011
Lois has been busy!
Today was sort of a bonus day meeting for my quilt group. Normally we put the meetings on hold till we get past the holiday season, meaning that we meet the 2nd Tuesday of November and lay off for two months starting again in January. Oh, we meet to have the Christmas party in early December but it is not quite the same thing. Lois had some quilts to pin and wondered if anyone might be available to help and asked if we could meet on our normal 4th Tuesday. I've got the key so as long as I can be there, come on ahead.
I took my camera but should have checked the battery life before I packed it. DJ STILL had to hold quilts up once I got home, LOL. You will be able to tell what a busy girl Lois has been in 2011 as all the quilts I am going to show you are hers! Plus we pinned 5 more of her tops and re-pinned one that had been pinned a little cockeyed that I had started last week. Luckily Jane came along to help us and we whizzed thru the job in plenty of time to go out to lunch on our way back home. She also took the 3 I had quilted to do the hand finishing. THX!!! Janet also stopped by for a bit but declined the lunch invite.
I am not entirely sure of some of the names/patterns on these quilts. I'll just label them the same thing I did on the quilt document that will go to Wrap Them In Love headquarters along with pictures to be included on the gallery pages. Ellen allows us to donate our quilts locally if we chose and we do so under their umbrella.
ED NOTE: Lois called me last night with the proper names of two of these. I'll edit the captions accordingly
Chiclets or sometimes called Split Nine Patch
Faux Log Cabin 1. The more I look at this though I think she used a more quarter or half log cabin block. Faux Log Cabin is normally pieced with all the pieces running vertically. This has lights that run horizontally. It ends up looking the same perhaps but the piecing is different.
And lastly, what it looks like in my bedroom. If I have counted correctly there are 31 quilts for me to deliver to a local concern----and soon! I know that there is one more out there that is only out for label application. Once I get that one picked up, I will take them. (Ignore the floor--someone needs to vacuum, LOL)
And sew it goes. I need to cut some binding before I get back to the remaining 3 in MY stack. Next thing I know it will be time to fix dinner. This day is going fast!
I took my camera but should have checked the battery life before I packed it. DJ STILL had to hold quilts up once I got home, LOL. You will be able to tell what a busy girl Lois has been in 2011 as all the quilts I am going to show you are hers! Plus we pinned 5 more of her tops and re-pinned one that had been pinned a little cockeyed that I had started last week. Luckily Jane came along to help us and we whizzed thru the job in plenty of time to go out to lunch on our way back home. She also took the 3 I had quilted to do the hand finishing. THX!!! Janet also stopped by for a bit but declined the lunch invite.
I am not entirely sure of some of the names/patterns on these quilts. I'll just label them the same thing I did on the quilt document that will go to Wrap Them In Love headquarters along with pictures to be included on the gallery pages. Ellen allows us to donate our quilts locally if we chose and we do so under their umbrella.
ED NOTE: Lois called me last night with the proper names of two of these. I'll edit the captions accordingly
Hovering Hawks |
Vestibule or Evening Star |
4 patch X---Bonnie Hunter pattern in Quiltmaker magazine
Same as above---but with darker sashing
Nine patch on point with red corner flippies. Proper name was "Prince Charming"
Unless I messed this up again--this is "Tossed Nine Patch". This used charmed squares and I think might be the name of the Eleanor Burns method pattern.
Faux Log Cabin 1. The more I look at this though I think she used a more quarter or half log cabin block. Faux Log Cabin is normally pieced with all the pieces running vertically. This has lights that run horizontally. It ends up looking the same perhaps but the piecing is different.
Disappearing Nine Patch. I love what she did with the sashing bits!
Faux Log Cabin 2---Lois said there was less delineation between darks and mediums on this one.
And lastly, what it looks like in my bedroom. If I have counted correctly there are 31 quilts for me to deliver to a local concern----and soon! I know that there is one more out there that is only out for label application. Once I get that one picked up, I will take them. (Ignore the floor--someone needs to vacuum, LOL)
And sew it goes. I need to cut some binding before I get back to the remaining 3 in MY stack. Next thing I know it will be time to fix dinner. This day is going fast!
Dec 26, 2011
Monday check in
No picture this time out. Nothing much has changed on my design wall other than I added a block that Aline made me for Christmas----it may end up in the adapted Oxmoor House quilt though. I already took my quilt bag with camera in it out to the car (so I don't forget it----again!!!) for tomorrow's meeting.
I took the weekend off from anything in the creative department. I had some cooking to do to get ready for Christmas dinner so that took quilting's place. DJ and I did our gift exchange on Saturday evening as is our tradition and then watched "It's a Wonderful Life". Last night we watched the DVD I had gotten him of the 2011 World Series. Still gives me goosebumps when I think back over that last 6 weeks of the Cardinals season!
Today it is back down to earth----grocery errands, laundry and such. DJ tried to run a few errands of his own but found out the lab was closed for his standing monthly blood test as is the bank and post office. The library WAS open though, LOL. No wonder we get messed up about what day it is when all weekend seemed like Sunday.
We just took down the Christmas tree though. Poor DJ was getting tired of scolding Skyler on a nightly basis to leave the branches, needles, ornaments alone. Even if he shut the lights off, Skyler would persist. That's okay. We put it up a lot sooner than he would have liked anyway. I'll wait a few more days to switch over to the winter/snowman theme.
I did get two of Linda C's donation quilts done last week---not the one that will need to be re-pinned but two others. I am going to set up to start on a 3rd and see how far I get. With any luck I can turn it over to one of the gals to do the binding detail. I have two more in the stack to go and mostly likely, will add the one that just needs zoom lines after we meet tomorrow. I had hoped to have these ALL gone by now so I could sew something fun but looks like it will have to wait. I will definitely be ready for a reward project once this pile is done. My friend Norma is off this week so it would not take her too much to convince me to follow her down some quilting or piecing path, LOL. I'm game if she is!
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas-------
I took the weekend off from anything in the creative department. I had some cooking to do to get ready for Christmas dinner so that took quilting's place. DJ and I did our gift exchange on Saturday evening as is our tradition and then watched "It's a Wonderful Life". Last night we watched the DVD I had gotten him of the 2011 World Series. Still gives me goosebumps when I think back over that last 6 weeks of the Cardinals season!
Today it is back down to earth----grocery errands, laundry and such. DJ tried to run a few errands of his own but found out the lab was closed for his standing monthly blood test as is the bank and post office. The library WAS open though, LOL. No wonder we get messed up about what day it is when all weekend seemed like Sunday.
We just took down the Christmas tree though. Poor DJ was getting tired of scolding Skyler on a nightly basis to leave the branches, needles, ornaments alone. Even if he shut the lights off, Skyler would persist. That's okay. We put it up a lot sooner than he would have liked anyway. I'll wait a few more days to switch over to the winter/snowman theme.
I did get two of Linda C's donation quilts done last week---not the one that will need to be re-pinned but two others. I am going to set up to start on a 3rd and see how far I get. With any luck I can turn it over to one of the gals to do the binding detail. I have two more in the stack to go and mostly likely, will add the one that just needs zoom lines after we meet tomorrow. I had hoped to have these ALL gone by now so I could sew something fun but looks like it will have to wait. I will definitely be ready for a reward project once this pile is done. My friend Norma is off this week so it would not take her too much to convince me to follow her down some quilting or piecing path, LOL. I'm game if she is!
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas-------
Dec 25, 2011
Happy Holidays
This is an older picture but it will still work. The reason for the Season. Since this was taken, I can tell that one of the lost sheep has returned to the flock, LOL. These days I handi-tac the two little sheep down to keep them from the kitty paws. The angel gets the same treatment to protect it from the husband's elbows.
May you have a joyous and peaceful Holiday season. Safe travels as well.
Dec 21, 2011
WIP Weds, wk 51
Technically you could say that I am between projects.
The Christmas Patience Corner expansion is completed. Yesterday I got the backing all seamed and with DJ's help folded up and put in the box for mailing. My pal Norma will be quilting it up for me after she does her own. Actually my quilt contains some of Norma and our pal Cher's fabrics in it so it will be fun to spot them as she quilts mine. The binding is seamed for it but not pressed.
I also added some more black solid strips to the one you see rolled on the bolt core. (Borrowing a trick from my mom there.) There is one or more of the quilts in this pile of donation quilts that will need it. I want these quilts finished and not hanging over my head in the new year. Other quilts to be made, after all. Other tops to pin too---my own tops.
So what's with the bin of fabrics? Norma will at some point announce a date for her postponed FAB bday par-tay. She would like for us to explore Popsicle Sticks from one of our favs Atkinson Designs. I have a collection of teals and purples that I have been saving for "some project, some day". The day may have come. At one point I would get one yard of this grouping from the section at the now defunct Quiltmaker's Workshop on each trip I made to Trussville (AL) and just hoard it. I would add more fabric that sorta fit in with it as they came along and think "some day I'll find the perfect pattern for these". OR more like, raid it for another project. I see a section of Marble Mate with about a 6 1/2 inch square cut out so I already DID poach a bit for something. Popsicle Sticks will probably need an infusion of pinks and limey greens, I'm thinking. I have a little holiday money to spend from the Belles so I will augment this stuff with an Amelia jelly roll designed by Me & My Sister for Moda. (Scroll down for the thumbnails) It is fun fabric for something else if it doesn't work for this. That stripe might work for binding if I have enough----that is leftover from some donation quilts in the past. HMMMMMM
In the meantime, I intend to get those donation quilts dealt with and hopefully by years end. A couple are more or less "zoom" lines so will not take too long. None of them are mine though I voluteered for one of them---6 total. The Belles are having a pinning day on Tuesday and I may get some binding volunteers. Ordinarily we would not be meeting till the 2nd Tuesday in January but some of the girls were free and requested it. I'll be there as I have the door key, LOL.
This next part is a little gross but Skyler caught a mouse somewhere, sometime last night in the living room. I found it laying on the rug near the coffee table when I got up to feed Skyler. DJ said he heard something out there thumping around just before he was due to get up. Just Skyler playing. Or worse, he thought Skyler had managed to finally pull over the Christmas tree but didn't go inspect matters. So here is this limp mouse stretched out on the floor and he barely noticed as he headed out to the kitchen to eat. I am not going to deal with it! Skyler is looking at it and about to start pawing at it. DJ says he was sorry he missed seeing the attack. What?? I swear he was almost crowing "That's MY boy! Bagged him a mouse" or something. Me, I'm just glad he didn't drag it off to my bed!
I had a couple of errands to run but it is pouring down rain. Tomorrow it is supposed clear off so I am guessing it might ever I thought was so important may have to wait. Or not if it slows down a bit.
And there you have it
The Christmas Patience Corner expansion is completed. Yesterday I got the backing all seamed and with DJ's help folded up and put in the box for mailing. My pal Norma will be quilting it up for me after she does her own. Actually my quilt contains some of Norma and our pal Cher's fabrics in it so it will be fun to spot them as she quilts mine. The binding is seamed for it but not pressed.
I also added some more black solid strips to the one you see rolled on the bolt core. (Borrowing a trick from my mom there.) There is one or more of the quilts in this pile of donation quilts that will need it. I want these quilts finished and not hanging over my head in the new year. Other quilts to be made, after all. Other tops to pin too---my own tops.
So what's with the bin of fabrics? Norma will at some point announce a date for her postponed FAB bday par-tay. She would like for us to explore Popsicle Sticks from one of our favs Atkinson Designs. I have a collection of teals and purples that I have been saving for "some project, some day". The day may have come. At one point I would get one yard of this grouping from the section at the now defunct Quiltmaker's Workshop on each trip I made to Trussville (AL) and just hoard it. I would add more fabric that sorta fit in with it as they came along and think "some day I'll find the perfect pattern for these". OR more like, raid it for another project. I see a section of Marble Mate with about a 6 1/2 inch square cut out so I already DID poach a bit for something. Popsicle Sticks will probably need an infusion of pinks and limey greens, I'm thinking. I have a little holiday money to spend from the Belles so I will augment this stuff with an Amelia jelly roll designed by Me & My Sister for Moda. (Scroll down for the thumbnails) It is fun fabric for something else if it doesn't work for this. That stripe might work for binding if I have enough----that is leftover from some donation quilts in the past. HMMMMMM
In the meantime, I intend to get those donation quilts dealt with and hopefully by years end. A couple are more or less "zoom" lines so will not take too long. None of them are mine though I voluteered for one of them---6 total. The Belles are having a pinning day on Tuesday and I may get some binding volunteers. Ordinarily we would not be meeting till the 2nd Tuesday in January but some of the girls were free and requested it. I'll be there as I have the door key, LOL.
This next part is a little gross but Skyler caught a mouse somewhere, sometime last night in the living room. I found it laying on the rug near the coffee table when I got up to feed Skyler. DJ said he heard something out there thumping around just before he was due to get up. Just Skyler playing. Or worse, he thought Skyler had managed to finally pull over the Christmas tree but didn't go inspect matters. So here is this limp mouse stretched out on the floor and he barely noticed as he headed out to the kitchen to eat. I am not going to deal with it! Skyler is looking at it and about to start pawing at it. DJ says he was sorry he missed seeing the attack. What?? I swear he was almost crowing "That's MY boy! Bagged him a mouse" or something. Me, I'm just glad he didn't drag it off to my bed!
I had a couple of errands to run but it is pouring down rain. Tomorrow it is supposed clear off so I am guessing it might ever I thought was so important may have to wait. Or not if it slows down a bit.
And there you have it
Dec 19, 2011
expansion complete
Expansion blocks, bottom row and side right, all finished up. Top measures 84 x 96 so should fit my bed fairly well.
I took the picture on DJ's bed so you could see the entire quilt from a slightly different angle than the Dec 2010 "finish". Had to laugh when I went to put the quilt on the bed though. Skyler was hiding UNDER the quilt. I didn't know that till I was removing the pillows from the bed and he started meowing at me. I waited till he moved to take the pictures but of course, he had to test out the top.
I plan on prepping the backing after supper. The binding is already cut so I can sew it as well. Hurray for another "finish!
ED NOTE: 12-20 well, that backing prep didn't quite happen. Something about laundering, prepping and ironing 9 yards of fabric just takes all the ambition right out of you. Guess what is tops on today's goal list, LOL?
Dec 18, 2011
back to sewing
Skyler has made himself quite comfortable on the newest quilt. I cannot get him off of it long enough to make the bed, as you can see. I wanted to be sure it was completely dry before I put it up in the armoire or hung it on the quilt rack so slept under it last night. I want the darker Scrappy Bargello on the bed though for the winter months. Surely he will get up at some point, LOL. I would say it certainly passed the kitty "tested and approved" criteria!
I am giving my fingers a break from tons of binding and finger cracks to sew. Oh, I could quilt up my Thanksgiving turkey button up but not when I am in a Christmas frame of mind! The expansion project of the Christmas Patience Corner, it is then. I thought I was done with this LAST year about this time. You can see it HERE in this post. I know that picture makes it look like it has a dark green border but that is the aforementioned bargello quilt underneath the top. I like the looks of it but I have elected to go borderless. Here are some of the leftover charm squares and two packets I got recently from Connecting Threads to add a little variety to the mix. The stripe you see cut on the bias will be the binding so some of those bright greens and such will work with this perfectly!
I've got three of the 14 blocks I need completed as I am making the top 7 x 8 blocks set for a finish around 84 x 96. I have to be mindful not only of the colors on the right side and bottom of the quilt (when I get there, LOL) but how the seams are pressed as well.
Really Patience Corner is an easy block and a fun way to use focus fabrics or charm packs but you DO need to be watchful about where you put the sashing bits, esp if you have a directional print. I totally messed up the 4th quadrant of the 3rd block in the column, where you see the white trees on the green background. We made a bunch of these at Bama Belles one year. The mantra was a" laying down figure of 8" should be the result. If not, get out the ripper.
And sew it goes-----this won't be a long term project. I am considering what I will work on to follow it up this week. I have sort of promised myself that I would get those 6 donation quilts in the closet quilted up and outta here. I do not want to start the New Year behind already!
It can be so nuts this time of year so I hope you have found some time to savor the moment. If you aren't enjoying all you "hafta" do, then you have to wonder if it is worth the time and effort.
I am giving my fingers a break from tons of binding and finger cracks to sew. Oh, I could quilt up my Thanksgiving turkey button up but not when I am in a Christmas frame of mind! The expansion project of the Christmas Patience Corner, it is then. I thought I was done with this LAST year about this time. You can see it HERE in this post. I know that picture makes it look like it has a dark green border but that is the aforementioned bargello quilt underneath the top. I like the looks of it but I have elected to go borderless. Here are some of the leftover charm squares and two packets I got recently from Connecting Threads to add a little variety to the mix. The stripe you see cut on the bias will be the binding so some of those bright greens and such will work with this perfectly!
I've got three of the 14 blocks I need completed as I am making the top 7 x 8 blocks set for a finish around 84 x 96. I have to be mindful not only of the colors on the right side and bottom of the quilt (when I get there, LOL) but how the seams are pressed as well.
Really Patience Corner is an easy block and a fun way to use focus fabrics or charm packs but you DO need to be watchful about where you put the sashing bits, esp if you have a directional print. I totally messed up the 4th quadrant of the 3rd block in the column, where you see the white trees on the green background. We made a bunch of these at Bama Belles one year. The mantra was a" laying down figure of 8" should be the result. If not, get out the ripper.
And sew it goes-----this won't be a long term project. I am considering what I will work on to follow it up this week. I have sort of promised myself that I would get those 6 donation quilts in the closet quilted up and outta here. I do not want to start the New Year behind already!
It can be so nuts this time of year so I hope you have found some time to savor the moment. If you aren't enjoying all you "hafta" do, then you have to wonder if it is worth the time and effort.
Dec 17, 2011
Done, done, done
Actually the quilt is in the washer right now to get the blue marks out of the border but it does not look a whole lot different that this picture. If you are seeing pins, then that is why, LOL.
This is a BOM started in Pell City in 05, blocks added to and completed in June 2006. The source: Eleanor Burns Pioneer Sampler but I added 18 other blocks in the public domain, etc. I machine quilted a good bit of it several years back and stalled out with 5 to go.
Then I made the commitment to get this done this year back in November----and I did with about two weeks to go. My husband may not be excited for me or proud of my efforts but I am!
I'll get some other shots so you can see the border cables at least. Now to move it from the UFO tab to the 2011 finish tab.
Dec 16, 2011
Binding----and quilt pics
Since my last post, I quilted up the FAB bday present and yesterday, completed the binding. Of course, I cannot show you it yet. SHHHHHH TSP. My Thanksgiving button up, while pinned and ready, will wait till the next quilting binge. You have to strike when the mood to bind hits, as it is rare, LOL.
Today, I am all set up to work on binding my large bed sized "Pioneer Sampler Plus". The forward table is ahead of the sewing table but pointed a different direction in the room so I can spread out the weight of the quilt. Of course, this is just all too tempting to Skyler. At the time he was looking for an opening either UNDER the quilt or the softest spot on TOP of it. Or he may have spotted a loose string to go chew on. I'm guessing the hiding spot though. I have yet to put the first stitch in it but I'm ready.
I also promised you quilt pictures from the Belles Party the other day. I went off without my camera so Quilt Holder had to do the honors so I'm afraid you will spot the Christmas tree, the coffee table and probably Skyler in addition to the normal hands and feet. Here goes!
And there they are----waiting on a few numbers to assign to them for bookkeeping purposes. With the stack Lois has at her house I should have close to 30 to deliver to an organization here in Calhoun County.
Onwards and upwards working on a long awaited finish-------
Today, I am all set up to work on binding my large bed sized "Pioneer Sampler Plus". The forward table is ahead of the sewing table but pointed a different direction in the room so I can spread out the weight of the quilt. Of course, this is just all too tempting to Skyler. At the time he was looking for an opening either UNDER the quilt or the softest spot on TOP of it. Or he may have spotted a loose string to go chew on. I'm guessing the hiding spot though. I have yet to put the first stitch in it but I'm ready.
I also promised you quilt pictures from the Belles Party the other day. I went off without my camera so Quilt Holder had to do the honors so I'm afraid you will spot the Christmas tree, the coffee table and probably Skyler in addition to the normal hands and feet. Here goes!
Aline's " Cow Jumped over the Moon" panel |
Lois' Stack and Whack Fan. Made from the cutest turtle fabric. She quilted in some shellfish at the bottom. |
Lois Butterfly quilt---she embroidered the most gorgeous butterflies over mylar so it glitters. |
Lois Fire Escape--Terry Atkinson pattern |
Lois Pineapple Blossom---Belles Scrappy Challenge |
My Habitat Leftovers BQ2--THX Jane for binding it |
Shawnee tied this and Nancy bound it---double knit top (big and heavy!) |
Onwards and upwards working on a long awaited finish-------
Dec 14, 2011
WIP Weds
So far the only thing I have managed to get done on the creative side was prep the labels for the button ups and cut/press the sewn piece of tab strap. I pinned both tops last evening. I am setting up to start quilting in a few minutes or more likely, after lunch.
We had a fun time at the Christmas lunch out yesterday. So much easier then having to make a dish to pass. Some of the girls had done that the night before for Lick Skillet Guild so I am glad we didn't go that route. We had "Show and Tell" afterwards--along with some date nut bread that Beverly shared.
Silly me, went off without the camera again. Marilyn had hers but turns out the battery needed charging so that was out. Bev took some of her camera phone but I don't have those yet. I had DJ hold up the turned in quilts anyway once I got home so I'll share those tomorrow. I promise!
Well, you know were to find me--quilting!
We had a fun time at the Christmas lunch out yesterday. So much easier then having to make a dish to pass. Some of the girls had done that the night before for Lick Skillet Guild so I am glad we didn't go that route. We had "Show and Tell" afterwards--along with some date nut bread that Beverly shared.
Silly me, went off without the camera again. Marilyn had hers but turns out the battery needed charging so that was out. Bev took some of her camera phone but I don't have those yet. I had DJ hold up the turned in quilts anyway once I got home so I'll share those tomorrow. I promise!
Well, you know were to find me--quilting!
Dec 12, 2011
Design Wall Monday
"Give Thanks" Button Up |
Tomorrow is the Bama Belles Christmas party. Since this is such a busy time of year, it will be a fuss free event. No gift exchange, no dish to pass. So many of the girls belong to more than one group and it seems they each have their own holiday routines. It can get overwhelming! We are off to Olive Garden for lunch and then do a reveal of our scrappy challenge projects back at out meeting place.
To that end, I was digging around in my primary closet for my donation quilt tops that fit this category. I have 7 completed, one more partially done. I can see that I am going to have to impose a two quilt limit on myself when it comes to pinning them up. Currently there is no place to put them since I still have 6 pinned donation tops up in the closet. These are not my quilt but I volunteered to do one of them. The others were left when one of the girls moved out of state.
Before I proceed with my next point I should probably explain the house was built without a coat closet. Instead my bedroom has TWO closets, the smaller of which is for out of season clothing and coats. The completed donation quilts that are waiting for delivery to a worthy cause here in Calhoun County are folded up on the shelf in there as are the quilts awaiting pinning. Normally those would be piled up atop the armoire but that spot was taken for my own personal pinned projects until I got caught up. And then Christmas came. VBG
Just for grins and giggles I counted up just how many tops I have in the primary bedroom closet. Let's just say that it is a good thing that my clothing has been going to a "less is more approach" over the years, LOL.
- 6 personal quilt tops. Most are from the 2006-2010 years meaning I should address them at some point.
- 8 scrappy challenge tops. Out to the car trunk for tomorrow though
- 5 other donation tops----one is from 2009 but still not marked or pinned. The other 4 were made this year. Two more are hanging in the closet at the church waiting to be pinned in the new year.
I HAVE been a busy girl this year! People who follow me on facebook are always asking me how I get so much done. I do keep busy in my little room. I do something creative more days than not. I don't work outside the home. My husband pitches in with vacuuming and laundry, dish washer unloading. Neither of us lives to clean. That all has something to do with output. Blogging keeps you accountable--you need some blog fodder, after all. It helps that I set small goals for the day or week too. When I need to take a break, I do.
Still, a look at the tabbed pages on my blog and I guess you see I do have quite a few finishes and flimsies for 2011. Hurray for me! Other than making donation tops, I did not let it take over my life this year. Some of my own things are done and others, moved forward.. Sure, more exist, obviously but they are not completely shunted to the side. After 11 years, I think it is only fair. I don't normally think in terms of numbers till it gets to year's end and look back. I keep plugging and doing what I love.
Well, it looks like I have been pecking these keys right up to lunch time. DJ has an doctor's appointment in the early afternoon so I need to be sure he is done eating in time for that drive into town.
I hope you have a good day and find some time to do what YOU love too----------
Dec 9, 2011
sewing and more sewing
I've been sewing like crazy the last two days---and loving it.
One I cannot show you but this one I can. BU #20 Give Thanks. I got it to the point where I need to do the button hole applique. I prepped the binding and tabs before I called it quits.
Tomorrow is the Friendship Quilters Christmas luncheon. Show and tell, installation of officers (I'm the incoming secretary) and other program year wrap up things. I'm guessing that I will just take the day off or do some hand work tomorrow.
I snapped this picture of Skyler this afternoon. AWWWWW isn't he the cutest little thing? I almost didn't see him hidden under DJ's throw. He loves to burrow under anything cloth or fabric. Sometimes if you cannot find him he is hiding under the quilt on DJ's bed.
Nothing much else going on here today seeing as I was kind of "chained" to the machine. Hope you have had a good day---------
One I cannot show you but this one I can. BU #20 Give Thanks. I got it to the point where I need to do the button hole applique. I prepped the binding and tabs before I called it quits.
Tomorrow is the Friendship Quilters Christmas luncheon. Show and tell, installation of officers (I'm the incoming secretary) and other program year wrap up things. I'm guessing that I will just take the day off or do some hand work tomorrow.
I snapped this picture of Skyler this afternoon. AWWWWW isn't he the cutest little thing? I almost didn't see him hidden under DJ's throw. He loves to burrow under anything cloth or fabric. Sometimes if you cannot find him he is hiding under the quilt on DJ's bed.
Nothing much else going on here today seeing as I was kind of "chained" to the machine. Hope you have had a good day---------
Dec 7, 2011
WIP Weds
I could have subtitled this post as "cuttin' and kittin'" but that just sounds like some annoyingly pretentious movie title, LOL. Still, the action is true that last two days.
I have prepared the "Give Thanks" Button Up #20 for myself but the kit below is birthday giftie for my FAB pal Norma's pushed back bday party. She knows I am making her a button up so that part is okay. She does not know which one since I gave her a choice. I made a decision about the binding and cut it out this morning.
And while I have the ruler and rotary cutter at the ready, I am also going to cut this Michael Miller Christmas yardage into bias binding for "soon to be expanded" Christmas Patience Corner. I cut a few nickels out of the leftovers to include in the extra blocks too. I have "Tiny Snowflakes in Green Tea backing" and a couple of 5 inch charms from the Winter Fun collection coming from Connecting Threads. LOL, I am pre-spending my Christmas check from DJ in effect.
Get this ---he thought that the marked down 2.36/yd was too expensive! The man is clueless. My mistake was opening the door to this conversation because I told him I needed 10 yards of fabric for the quilt back and was thrilled with my "find". I enlightened him with the fact that that good, quilt shop quality fabrics were selling for 10-12 bucks a yard these days for comparison, like it could have been a lot worse. Fortunately I found something I liked for far less. His response was to ask how they can sell those quilts in the catalogs for 25 bucks if that were the case? I saw "red" on that ill advised remark. I do not make things that look like some factory worker getting paid peanuts churned out. It still upsets me that he thinks so little of what I personally do. It does such a disservice to other true quilters out there that are producing some amazing things, works of art really. I repeat, clueless!
Well, before I get upset with him all over again (might be too late, LOL) I better move onto another subject. He got the tree put up yesterday and the lights on it. I was too busy cutting to do the rest of the deal. Of course, Skyler was not making things any easier. He was trying to eat those plastic-y needles off the couch and carpet. Between scolding him and trying to remember just where the branches went, it took some time. I eventually had to remove the ornery little kitty boy from the action. So far he is leaving the tree itself alone contenting himself to dragging Ms. Mousie all around the living room. He won't drag it when I am watching him but DJ has caught his antics.
Today's goals and not necessarily in this order----
I have prepared the "Give Thanks" Button Up #20 for myself but the kit below is birthday giftie for my FAB pal Norma's pushed back bday party. She knows I am making her a button up so that part is okay. She does not know which one since I gave her a choice. I made a decision about the binding and cut it out this morning.
And while I have the ruler and rotary cutter at the ready, I am also going to cut this Michael Miller Christmas yardage into bias binding for "soon to be expanded" Christmas Patience Corner. I cut a few nickels out of the leftovers to include in the extra blocks too. I have "Tiny Snowflakes in Green Tea backing" and a couple of 5 inch charms from the Winter Fun collection coming from Connecting Threads. LOL, I am pre-spending my Christmas check from DJ in effect.
Get this ---he thought that the marked down 2.36/yd was too expensive! The man is clueless. My mistake was opening the door to this conversation because I told him I needed 10 yards of fabric for the quilt back and was thrilled with my "find". I enlightened him with the fact that that good, quilt shop quality fabrics were selling for 10-12 bucks a yard these days for comparison, like it could have been a lot worse. Fortunately I found something I liked for far less. His response was to ask how they can sell those quilts in the catalogs for 25 bucks if that were the case? I saw "red" on that ill advised remark. I do not make things that look like some factory worker getting paid peanuts churned out. It still upsets me that he thinks so little of what I personally do. It does such a disservice to other true quilters out there that are producing some amazing things, works of art really. I repeat, clueless!
Well, before I get upset with him all over again (might be too late, LOL) I better move onto another subject. He got the tree put up yesterday and the lights on it. I was too busy cutting to do the rest of the deal. Of course, Skyler was not making things any easier. He was trying to eat those plastic-y needles off the couch and carpet. Between scolding him and trying to remember just where the branches went, it took some time. I eventually had to remove the ornery little kitty boy from the action. So far he is leaving the tree itself alone contenting himself to dragging Ms. Mousie all around the living room. He won't drag it when I am watching him but DJ has caught his antics.
Today's goals and not necessarily in this order----
- decorate the tree so that box doesn't become part of the landscape in the living room
- finish sewing that Christmas Star---yep, still not done and up on the design wall followed by a much needed sewing room vacuuming. I see a path to the bathroom and bedroom like a trail of bread crumbs so that's a sign
- start sewing on the Top Secret Project (TSP)
- and, get dressed at some point!!!
And sew it goes at my house. Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Dec 5, 2011
Holiday preparation
Just taking a little breather here-------
I know DJ will say that is it too early to put up the tree but I had set aside today to finish up MY part of the decorating. He is wearing a Holter monitor today---he feels fine but the cardiologist wanted a followup for comparison purposes along with an echocardiogram. I can drag the tree down to spare him a trip up and down the ladder as well as haul the decorations in. I've already drug in most of it already so what's a couple more?
There is a little method to my madness. By the time he gets in the mood to put the tree up (mid month) he has a hard time convincing me to actually decorate it as I am no longer "in the mood". I've done my part, now you do yours! So if the tree is up when I am ready to decorate, he might get some help. LOL
Normally Ms. Mousie and a stuffed bear (that has antlers, LOL) go UNDER the tree since there aren't presents under it. Of course, Skyler wasted no time in going after her! I had left this sitting by the fireplace. He drug it clear across the room by her braided tail. Since I have been writing this, he drug it back to the middle of the living room. The heck with puff balls and catnip mice! It will become a nightly thing to see where it will end up the next morning. Somehow I think Joy would get a kick out of that since she made it for me.
This is as far as I got with the Christmas Star block. Foundation piecing is done but the sections need joined. I just found out that they are having a decorated kitchen towel exchange/game but not the particulars. Not sure that will fit in with the week's plans but will see. I have an idea---or two.
So looks like I have sit down work to get back to after the decorations are up.
I know DJ will say that is it too early to put up the tree but I had set aside today to finish up MY part of the decorating. He is wearing a Holter monitor today---he feels fine but the cardiologist wanted a followup for comparison purposes along with an echocardiogram. I can drag the tree down to spare him a trip up and down the ladder as well as haul the decorations in. I've already drug in most of it already so what's a couple more?
There is a little method to my madness. By the time he gets in the mood to put the tree up (mid month) he has a hard time convincing me to actually decorate it as I am no longer "in the mood". I've done my part, now you do yours! So if the tree is up when I am ready to decorate, he might get some help. LOL
Normally Ms. Mousie and a stuffed bear (that has antlers, LOL) go UNDER the tree since there aren't presents under it. Of course, Skyler wasted no time in going after her! I had left this sitting by the fireplace. He drug it clear across the room by her braided tail. Since I have been writing this, he drug it back to the middle of the living room. The heck with puff balls and catnip mice! It will become a nightly thing to see where it will end up the next morning. Somehow I think Joy would get a kick out of that since she made it for me.
This is as far as I got with the Christmas Star block. Foundation piecing is done but the sections need joined. I just found out that they are having a decorated kitchen towel exchange/game but not the particulars. Not sure that will fit in with the week's plans but will see. I have an idea---or two.
So looks like I have sit down work to get back to after the decorations are up.
Dec 4, 2011
Sunday check in
No surprise but I have set aside the hand finishing details on the Pioneer Sampler Plus in the last few posts. I'll get back to it but there are a couple other things that need attention first.
The block at left is one of them. It is the challenge block for the Friendship Quilters Guild and due on this coming Saturday. While I did not participate in the block of the month, others did. The organizers suggested the Christmas 2003 block from Quilter's Cache for anyone that wanted to make one. I don't believe that there is going to be any voting on them for a favorite or anything like that. I figure I can always use a 12 inch finished block for my Adapted Oxmoor House Christmas quilt so I'll bite, LOL.
One thing though the downloaded gif did not print anywhere near the scale listed on the block. I drew it up in EQ and made a little adjustment in the drawing so the rings would be even on the edges. My first attempt was not, LOL. When I inspected the printout outs I could see why and fixed it. My block, my drawing ....... it will look the way I want.
When I started pulling fabrics last night I started with other fabrics but eventually it ended up being some leftover "antiqued" Moda Robyn Pandolph fabrics that I had used to make a Lazy Girl Towne Purse with years ago. I did the rough cutting for the foundation piecing last night. I had the tree section pieced before I started this post.
Yesterday my friend Teresa and I made the run up to Wilson's Fabrics in Boaz (AL). I was on the hunt for the white on cream that I had used for the Christmas Patience Corner I spoke about in my last post.. I want to make the top biggers and had run out of the available fabric and cut a substitute as well but was STILL short. Armed with my swatches we took off. I found something very similar---it will be okay and elected to go with it and the original piece of fabric. I can use the strips I already cut from the alternative for something else down the line. I got the remaining yardage on the bolt---a hair over 5 yards and can use it for background on the next 30's quilt or whatever. I also found a nice Michael Miller stripe that I will use for bias cut binding.
Teresa meanwhile found a little somethin' to make a gift from the heart for her hard to shop for hubby. I helped her with a little of the design work in EQ when we got back. She was going to have to tell Joe not to ask so many questions and lock the door to her sewing area or his surprise would be ruined. I told her she could come over and sew here if she had to. Surely he will behave!
So back to sewing on the Christmas block. Next up Norma's birthday present.
The block at left is one of them. It is the challenge block for the Friendship Quilters Guild and due on this coming Saturday. While I did not participate in the block of the month, others did. The organizers suggested the Christmas 2003 block from Quilter's Cache for anyone that wanted to make one. I don't believe that there is going to be any voting on them for a favorite or anything like that. I figure I can always use a 12 inch finished block for my Adapted Oxmoor House Christmas quilt so I'll bite, LOL.
One thing though the downloaded gif did not print anywhere near the scale listed on the block. I drew it up in EQ and made a little adjustment in the drawing so the rings would be even on the edges. My first attempt was not, LOL. When I inspected the printout outs I could see why and fixed it. My block, my drawing ....... it will look the way I want.
When I started pulling fabrics last night I started with other fabrics but eventually it ended up being some leftover "antiqued" Moda Robyn Pandolph fabrics that I had used to make a Lazy Girl Towne Purse with years ago. I did the rough cutting for the foundation piecing last night. I had the tree section pieced before I started this post.
Yesterday my friend Teresa and I made the run up to Wilson's Fabrics in Boaz (AL). I was on the hunt for the white on cream that I had used for the Christmas Patience Corner I spoke about in my last post.. I want to make the top biggers and had run out of the available fabric and cut a substitute as well but was STILL short. Armed with my swatches we took off. I found something very similar---it will be okay and elected to go with it and the original piece of fabric. I can use the strips I already cut from the alternative for something else down the line. I got the remaining yardage on the bolt---a hair over 5 yards and can use it for background on the next 30's quilt or whatever. I also found a nice Michael Miller stripe that I will use for bias cut binding.
Teresa meanwhile found a little somethin' to make a gift from the heart for her hard to shop for hubby. I helped her with a little of the design work in EQ when we got back. She was going to have to tell Joe not to ask so many questions and lock the door to her sewing area or his surprise would be ruined. I told her she could come over and sew here if she had to. Surely he will behave!
So back to sewing on the Christmas block. Next up Norma's birthday present.
Dec 2, 2011
getting closer
I am getting there! Yesterday was borders day. Today's goals are hanging sleeve, label and binding application---and that is doable. This whole deal with need washed to remove the blue marks but not till the hand part of the binding is done. I COULD sleep under this one tonight if I want.
I swapped out the fall wall hangings yesterday and put my Christmas log cabin quilt on the back of the couch. That led me to take a peek at one of my other Christmas tops----Patience Corner last seen HERE, last December about this time. I don't know what I was thinking but this thing is too small as is at 72 x 84. I am guessing I was considering a fairly deep double border but didn't have the yardage I needed for that. Since I like the looks of it as shown on the bed, I need to make 14 more blocks to bump the size up to 84 x 96. Norma has offered to quilt it for me AFTER the holidays are passed and then we both will have one to grace our respective beds NEXT Christmas. (THX, my friend) I did have some background yardage on hand yet, but it might be close. It will either make a substitute or go with a square quilt if I am short. I am thinking I will cut those bits out when I deal with the sleeve thing in a few minutes. It is possible that I overcut, (I often do) and I have some of the sashing stuck in my strip bins containers or scrap basket. Worth a look anyway.
And sew it goes----today's goals in place. Thoughts of what is to come and a mental list check list is in place.
Nov 30, 2011
WIP Weds
Actually I am not all that sure if this will BE a WIP project today. I am proud to announce that I did get the last 5 blocks that remained to be done quilted yesterday. It was no easy task either since I do not free motion (rarely) and I stitch in the ditch on a domestic machine, my old trusty Viking 500. Definitely a two ibuprofen night after wrestling this thing around. All that might get done is to quilt a line under the little flap of red.
Still, I am happy that I got this moved forward. The borders still need to be done, of course. I would dearly love to hand quilt it but I DO want this thing finished and off the UFO "list". I have used one of the Quilter's Dream poly in low loft in this thing and I honestly do not recall if it recommended for hand quilting. That is a definite consideration before I put the time into it.
If I am going to do this on the machine then I need a cable with a fairly gentle curve. The braid will work better than the egg and dart. The dark fabric will make it harder to mark and then to see the marks. I am debating about marking it on tissue paper or seeing if they have this made up in Borders Made Easy. I have used it in the past on smaller projects. I know you don't want the adhesive on the quilt for long. It is messy to get the paper off no matter which paper stuff you use too. Then too, you have to be very careful about the safety pins underneath. Ask me how I know? Will the standard blue wash out markers "Mark Be Gone" work? Looks like but I will need a couple more as the one I have is a bit dry and the tip blunter than it should be. I see a Hobby Lobby run on the horizon after lunch. I need a couple yards of white on white for another project too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah---I know you are supposed to mark these before you pin then. The batting is pretty flat so I will probably be okay.
And sew it goes at my house-------marking, not quilting for today.
Nov 29, 2011
Another one done! edited
Designed by Mary Whitehead but piecing instructions written up and class given by Nancy Allain
Completed the top on March 1, 2011 and officially finished November 28, 2011.
It just fits the rod above my bed! So far Skyler has not noticed the change out of the quilts and tried to climb in behind it, LOL.
Today I quilt on that big monster so wish me luck.
Edited note: This was later donated to WTIL in the fall of 2012. Sometimes you just made quilts to try a technique but that doesn't mean they have to continue to live at your house.
Nov 28, 2011
checking in Monday
I have another finish to report. Woohoo! Merry Christmas BU #21 is ready to hang when I am ready to decorate---another week away anyway.
I've been binding like crazy this past weekend. I thought that I would get at those 5 blocks in the long lagging bed sized Pioneer Plus Sampler today but I am backing off that. I only have one more quilt to bind (Gordian Knot 1) and I want that decked cleared rather than having it hanging over my head. It needs to be done by the Friendship Quilter's Christmas luncheon on Dec. 9th. I would have plenty of time except for the other things I would like to have done first, LOL. What's another day at this juncture?
DJ has been scouring the ads for months now in an effort to replace our microwave. Our old one had a light that no longer worked and the 1 button had given up the ghost. You can live with some of that but not if you need a power level 1 or want to stand there and baby sit the thing to avoid overheating whatever it was you stuck in there.
My criteria was a 15 inch diameter turntable and a digital dial. I didn't really want stainless steel either. I had other errands of my own to run. Also I had to be home by a certain time since someone was dropping by. He could either wait for me or go check it out himself. He got home 5 minutes after me. This was marked down 50 bucks and he got an additional amount knocked off with a rewards card sign up. Of course, I will need to read up before I can operate it! Apparently you can code in frozen convenience foods in some manner and it automatically sets or some such thing? Not that it applies much to us.
It is a gloomy, damp day---still raining too. We have about 3.5 inches in our gauge since yesterday. I was awake a good bit of the night and it sounded like it was pouring and windy. Today I see that a good many of the trees have lost their leaves but not necessarily the underbrush. Dismal, dismal day with some remote snow possibilities in our area tonight. The temps will have to drop from the mid to mid 40s for that to happen though.
So here we have Skyler snug as bug in his little kitty cube. He will pay attention to this for a few days and then I'll have to put it up once the novelty wears off. He will run past it, not through it when we play. I don't suppose that we people are much different in that regard. Things become part of the landscape if they sit long enough.
About time to feed the boys so off I go. I'll hopefully have another finish to share in the next day or so. The Closer is back tonight so I know I won't be working past 8 CST, LOL.
I've been binding like crazy this past weekend. I thought that I would get at those 5 blocks in the long lagging bed sized Pioneer Plus Sampler today but I am backing off that. I only have one more quilt to bind (Gordian Knot 1) and I want that decked cleared rather than having it hanging over my head. It needs to be done by the Friendship Quilter's Christmas luncheon on Dec. 9th. I would have plenty of time except for the other things I would like to have done first, LOL. What's another day at this juncture?
DJ has been scouring the ads for months now in an effort to replace our microwave. Our old one had a light that no longer worked and the 1 button had given up the ghost. You can live with some of that but not if you need a power level 1 or want to stand there and baby sit the thing to avoid overheating whatever it was you stuck in there.
My criteria was a 15 inch diameter turntable and a digital dial. I didn't really want stainless steel either. I had other errands of my own to run. Also I had to be home by a certain time since someone was dropping by. He could either wait for me or go check it out himself. He got home 5 minutes after me. This was marked down 50 bucks and he got an additional amount knocked off with a rewards card sign up. Of course, I will need to read up before I can operate it! Apparently you can code in frozen convenience foods in some manner and it automatically sets or some such thing? Not that it applies much to us.
It is a gloomy, damp day---still raining too. We have about 3.5 inches in our gauge since yesterday. I was awake a good bit of the night and it sounded like it was pouring and windy. Today I see that a good many of the trees have lost their leaves but not necessarily the underbrush. Dismal, dismal day with some remote snow possibilities in our area tonight. The temps will have to drop from the mid to mid 40s for that to happen though.
So here we have Skyler snug as bug in his little kitty cube. He will pay attention to this for a few days and then I'll have to put it up once the novelty wears off. He will run past it, not through it when we play. I don't suppose that we people are much different in that regard. Things become part of the landscape if they sit long enough.
About time to feed the boys so off I go. I'll hopefully have another finish to share in the next day or so. The Closer is back tonight so I know I won't be working past 8 CST, LOL.
Nov 25, 2011
a finish
Woohoo! A finish this morning. Pattern source: Nancy Halvorsen "In Seasons". This officially completes the series of 4 quilt-lets.
I was determined to get this done so it could hang at least a few days until I get the urge to do the Christmas decorating. Normally I wait till we are about a week into December and then take then down after New Year's Day.
My plan for the day is to quilt the Merry Christmas "Charley Brown looking tree" Button Up next. It's all marked and ready to roll. Hanging loops, binding, label are all ready too. Hopefully THAT hand finishing will be done when I decide to hang the Christmas pieces. But for now I will re-hang and enjoy the "I Love My Cat" that Pat made for my bday----too cute!
And speaking of cats, I have one patiently sitting on the desk next to the keyboard and waiting for me to walk out with him to the kitchen for a taste of Fancy Feast. Real turkey, he wouldn't touch but give him some foul smelling salmon stuff and he's in! LOL.
Have a great day in whatever you chose to do. You know where to find me--------
Nov 24, 2011
Plans for 2012
First off, Happy Thanksgiving to my USA readers! And Happy Birthday to my dear friend Norma! We FABS will celebrate it together down the line---once the holiday hubbub passes.
I was just updating my UFO tab this morning as I knew that I had not included 3 half started row quilts. I knew that my languishing Oxmoor House quilt has GOT to go on the top of the list. I have re-designed this thing twice, 3 times if you count the version I finished up for Betsy. I have been talking about it for years!
I came close in late 2010 when I printed off the small log cabin blocks to foundation piece. I've even got a small basket with fabrics pulled for it!

While I want to continue to work on the Button Up pieces in the coming year, I also want this quilt moved forward. Put up or shut up, right?
I've got plenty of other tops to finish, to quilt, to start even for this that and the other thing---and those will or won't get done right away. I've got all year. You know me, I am all over the place sometimes but when I have a deadline or a clear goal I usually get it done. Now it is in writing and I am holding myself accountable. It may not be quilted but it will be pieced by this time next year if I have to trip over the Christmas fabric bin for months..
Oops, just thought of another row thing to add to the tab but it is QOV from donated strips so no wonder it did not spring to mind. Off I go to edit.
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