The Belles met yesterday and back at our normal meeting place for the first time in 2 1/2 months. If I remember back to May, we skipped the 2nd meeting of the month since it was Memorial Day weekend?? It seems like forever! We pinned a few quilts and then went to lunch as we had two birthday girls this week.
Since I don't have any
The cute holiday flannel squares (above, left) was one that Beverly completed. She was off on a bus trip with her DIL and couldn't be with us but she sent it along with one of the others. I just love the green rick rack that she added along the outside of the quilt!
The quilt at right is one that Lois made using scraps of Linda C's fabric. The colors really are not what you would find her gravitating to so that explains the almost Amish/country look. Lois' husband was saying he would flip it over and use the back if it was his, LOL. She has a bright print of feathers or some such thing back there.
I really should know the name of this one but it is not coming to me at the moment. Lois made this one as well. A form of tesselated block anyway. It too is backed withe a fun print---a frog border print.
I know this one is from a recent Quilter's World magazine article---4 patch zigzag, I think is the name. Lois says she has enough 4 patches done to make another. Well, of course she does if Linda C keeps loading her up with scraps, LOL.
Lastly, we have a stack and whack fan that Aline's daughter made for her. I love the butterfly blocks in the corners and of course, the colors that Fran used to make the quilt.
Come Saturday, the Piecemaker's Quilt group in Jacksonville will be having a small quilt exhibition at the church where the group meets on Thursday evenings. They are doing this to celebrate their 10 yr. anniversary as a quilt group. The Belles share several members with that group, Aline being one of them. I am sure that this lovely fan quilt will be one on display.
So, I plan to go and will probably have pictures to share. I may pull some fabrics for the Halvorsen calendar quilt blocks---August one will be fused and machine appliqued and the September one, back to stitchery. OR keep stitching Santa. There is never a shortage of projects but this is just one of those chopped up weeks where I can't keep at anything for very long at a time. Almost time to start supper............hope you have had a good day.
Wow, you girls just rock! So many pretty quilt tops all done...I bet it was a blast!