My pal Pat had a birthday recently and I wanted to make her a little something this year. Since she has a fall birthday, the choices were endless but I kept coming back to this little wall hanging. No surprise, it was designed by one of my favorite designers Amy Bradley so that was part of the attraction plus Pat is a dog person. It was featured in a Quilter's World magazine in October 2003. Yep, I have had it in my clipping file for awhile and waiting for the chance to use it.
But I couldn't find the black and white fabric that Amy used for the fence nor anything that looked even remotely like it; it was a wonderfully crooked lined piece that was perfect for the fence. What to do? Initially I tried foundation piecing a picket fence but it just didn't work as well as I had hoped. I love to foundation piece but I tossed that effort. Sharpie and white tone on tone lines looked "more like it to me". KISS philosophy and all that. From there, I was off and running and having a ball pulling fabrics to use on the rest of the piece.
You know how I love to hand embroider and this included those elements. I don't know how well the Trick or Treat message shows up on the wagon---you might have to click on the pic to see it better. The more I do machine button hole, the more I like it and the better I get at it. Fun project for me and I hope she likes it as well.
I am currently entrenched in another project I can't show you as the FAB fall challenge mailing date is looming with a week to go. I have Pat's name this round so had to reach into my bag of tricks for another idea. Unlike the previous rounds, there was no challenge fabric that had to be used somewhere in the piece rather Pat told us to " just make something that says fall" That left it pretty wide open---Thanksgiving, Halloween, just plain fall. I chose something that is more of a craftie project since I just did a wall hanging for her. I'm having fun with it and using my machine in a different way than I usually do----that is all the hint you are getting, Pat! LOL
Stay tuned---we will have the reveal once everyone in our little group of 5 has received their package, around the first of November. Man, that is sure sneaking up! It sounded so long ago when we set the time. Well, talking about it is not getting this last part done so I best get cracking.
what a cute wallhanging
ReplyDeleteI was over on Pat's blog and saw her wall did an awesome job. One question...the writing. Did you run that through a printer or is that hand embroidered? Okay, I lied. Two were your settings for the buttonhole stitching? I always have trouble with the small pieces and curves. Okay, I'm done...:)
ReplyDeleteKaren, you are set to "no reply" so I hope you will see the answers to the questions you asked.
ReplyDeleteThe writing is hand embroidered---I traced it off from the magazine pages. I used #8 perle cotton for the trick or treat words and 2 strands of embroidery floss for the "Happy Halloween" part as it was easier to do the little loops and tight curves with it. I DO love to embroider!
As for the buttonhole applique, I use the #33 stitch on my Viking 500. I have other machines but this one has the best spacing and stitch width, IMHO. I am not sure of the setting other than it says 2.0 mm and it indents 2.0 mm--two stitches and it swings left or right depending on whether I mirror it or not. It is easier for me to sew on the right of the section and let the stitch swing left. AND I actually discovered that I had an open toed applique foot in my bag of tricks---boy, did that make things easier. It gets easier with practice--and I count a lot--one, two, swing.