I have been asked if my quilt group is okay. As far as I know, yes. I have not heard from a couple of the girls but judging by the storm's track none of us was in the direct line of fire. Some power outages and trees down but not on anyone's house. So minor compared to what others are going through. We are all saddened by the fatalities the state suffered, 9 in our county alone. Please continue to hold those affected up in prayer.
Above, left--This is what I SHOULD be working on. Well, at least the top is finally done. Trust me, I had my doubts for a while there. I pinned the giftie at the sew-in first thing but have not touched it since other than to switch out machines. I guess I shoot for Monday to start that machine quilting, is all I can say.
Oh the doctor did not notice that I had switched from red Santas to green baskets when I went for my appointment. I guess he is just to the fact that I was stitching by now. I told him I thought they were making the eyes of the needles smaller since I last saw him. He related that he had gotten his first pair of reading glasses---neither of us were wearing our corrective lenses though and I really need to get my eyes checked as I am going thru some changes, I can tell. I am afraid I might hear "trifocals" UGH!
I used the recipe found on Food.com HERE after comparing 4 or 5 recipes from various sources. As with most recipes, they never clearly tell you what type of apples to use or necessarily, how many to buy which aggravates me no end. I don't make pies often and some things need to be spelled out! One source said not to use Granny Smiths and another said TO use them. HUH?? Make up your minds and quit with the contradictory information! Then I read that Golden Delicious, Gala and Fuji would be a good choice along with some that I knew I would never find in our market. I am marking this recipe accordingly 2 of each kind. For the record it took 7 1/2 apples to equal the 5 1/2 cups of peeled, cored sliced apples. Pet Ritz did the deep dish crust far better than I could too. I know how to make pie crust but just do not very often. Pretty yummy pie, if I do say so. I made a mess serving the first slice as it was just a tad too warm from the oven but it ate up just the same.
Soon I better be solving that old dilemma of what to fix for supper. The day before grocery shopping is always a challenge but we won't starve.
Hope things are going well in your neck of the woods----
Matt ended up requesting pie for his "birthday cake" too. In fact it was a chocolate peanut butter with ice cream pie from Cold Stone Creamery. Yummy!