Dec 12, 2012

quilt delivery day

I had time this morning and placed a phone call to the Alabama Children's Home Ministries to see what arrangements I could make to deliver 36 quilts from Bama Belles Quilting group. Since they are now to be delivered to the administration building rather than directly to one of the house parents, it was "come on ahead"

Nothing on the armoire--------though I had 10 piled up there this morning.

Nothing on the closet shelf though there were two stacks of at least 18 clear up to the ceiling in that space and a few more down below atop the shoe holders at the bottom of the closet.

But the car was loaded up with quilts.  Took me 6 trips to get them all out there as DJ was tied up at the doctor's office.

Then I filled the chairs in the reception area at the facility.  May they warm a child's heart and let them know that someone is thinking of them and supporting them in a hard time.  Bless you to all my Bama Belles friends and supporters.


  1. Hooray for the Belles!

    We deliver on Saturday to the Teen Shelter - Ogden House.

  2. Good Job, you will all be blessed for giving.

  3. woohoo! way to spread love

  4. Yea!!!! I am so proud of the Belles! I pray they enjoy them and are comforted by the quilts.


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