I had taken a picture like this of last year's "Be Attitude" blocks so I thought I would spread them out and do the same thing. LOL, Skyler came out from hiding under the quilt on DJ's bed just to plunk himself right in the middle of the action. DJ of course is supervising and said "why did you make these two so small?" pointing to the two appliqued blocks at the top. UHHH because those one I actually followed the directions. Then I got smart, switched to stitcheries and scanned and re-sized them. Originally they would have been a bit smaller than the appliqued ones, if you can believe that!
So, I'm done and thinking about what I want to do for my next seasonal/BOM type thing. At the moment Amy Bradley's Seasoned Quilter and Nancy Halvorsen's In Season are strong contenders. Okay, maybe leaning more to the latter as I pulled some fabrics that would work for the background parts of the winter wall hanging, LOL. The applique pieces look a good deal bigger than the Calendar Quilts so that's good!
Thanks for stopping by-----
Beautiful! I don't recognize that fifth month, though. LOL Isn't that the cutest picture!