My mom's email this morning said that my grandma had been moved out of ICU where she had been since surgery on Sunday to a regular room. Things must be looking up in there if she needs a lesser level of care.

Under the quilt is the bowtie that I normally have on the bed in summer---purchased top but I quilted it. The pink and cream one underneath is one that belonged to DJ's stepmother though I don't have a clue if she made it or not. Little worn on the edges and it is hand quilted, summer weight. What was the fabric that has such a nice finish on it from years past--cloth of gold or something??? Whatever it is, that's is what is on the back of it--feels silky and cool.
Yep, Finn--it is a Jenny Lind frame. You asked about that in a previous post that showed my room. The bed once belonged to an ex-boyfriend. His dad made it, as a matter of fact but it was just in storage when he gave it to me. It once had a coat of black paint on it but I took it to one of those furniture stripper places where they dip it to get it down to the wood. The people at the shop said they could have sold it several times over. I stripped the side boards myself but the head and foot board were way past my abilities.
Well that was kind of off the track there. What have I been doing today? Walked when it was thankfully, a bit clouded up. We got some tstorms through here last night about 8 so it was a good thing the firework had already been done on Saturday. 1/2 inch of needed rainfall. Yards are finally greening back up and the red crepe myrtles are really starting to come out now.
We received word last night that our neighbor's mom passed away this weekend (they shared the house) after a long illness and a 10 day hospitalization. Ronnie said that the obit was not in the paper as it should have been and the visitation was this morning followed by the funeral. It being a holiday we could not call to order some flowers and the visitation started at 10. We stopped by the florist's in our little mapdot after we walked--their order was not in and they suggested the one in the town just north of us about 5 miles. Off we go---not opened due to an extended holiday week. Drive into Anniston---out on delivery. He took me home or at least tried to--road construction on that last leg of our road. Anyway, he went back, the florist was in, the plant ordered and delivered--fortunately, right across the road from the funeral home. Attractive arrangement.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I was trying to get ready to go to the visitation. This meant drying my hair instead of just leaving it to its own devices (or yanking it back in a "puny" tail ), putting on a dress and makeup. I was getting hotter by the minute with that blowdryer in hand and almost in need of another shower. I told "AC Controlman" that I would trade him a half hour of ac now for half hour off the end time tonight. SHEESH. Well he thought I looked nice so I guess it was worth it.
Once we got home, I made a blueberry pie to take over to the house--it's still cooling. Of course, DJ thinks I should make HIM a pie and was teasing me about buying some apples so I could. I told him to be sure to buy a deep dish crust while he was it. I don't "do" crust--well I can but just don't. It is hard to roll it out in the limited space I have to do so. You see, his golfing friend came down for a visit last year and brought a big sack of apples. The first night he was here we had some sort of pie, maybe even blueberry. The 2nd night I asked if he wanted a piece of pie---his response was "is it still ---------pie?" He had expected me to whip him up a pie with those apples while they were off to the golf course!!!! I don't even take many requests/suggestions from my husband (he rarely makes one anyway), let alone him! They sure made good applesauce later though--wrong variety of apple, Herb.
Anyway, DJ will get something else or wait till next shopping day. They served something they called a peach congealed salad at the tea room last week and I know it is very similiar to something I make with blueberry pie filling that has a topping of sweeted cream cheese and sour cream topping. I may give that a whirl with the substitutions to see if I'm right but I'll have to make a store run. Actually I am "blowing off" going to a meeting tomorrow with a potluck lunch. This might have been a good chance to make something like that. I know, I know, you shouldn't try a new recipe and then serve it to a group if you are not sure how it will turn out.
No quilting yet today and it is after 3, meaning I am not inclined to want to start if I haven't by now. I finished up the quilting on the pink bowties last evening and started on the last one in my stack but only got one row of blocks done. It's the Embroidered blocks in Picture Frame set that I shared some months back--guess I better post another picture when it is quilted since we have some new web ring members. I'll get back to binding on the Pineapple Blossom and give my upper back and shoulders a rest today. Always tomorrow.

its hard to start quilting later in the day isn't it. And I never can figure out why, 'cause its not like I have to spend 12 hours quilting for it to be worthwhile.... Glad you were able to find flowers in the end...
ReplyDeleteWelcome back friend..*VBS* I think we all have "those" times. Glad you are feeling better, and glad the news is good about Gram.
ReplyDeleteThis morning turned into quite an adventure, and not the kind you need when racing the clock. I think you made the best of all of it, good thinking on "bartering" some AC when needed.
I must say your bedroom looks just lovely. All of it!! The guilt is a gorgeous one, very soft and soooo pretty. Pefect with your cutains and table skirt..*S*
wish you could run away here to matter the mood we would welcome you with open arms my friend..neat block posted for the 4th...hope you get some cooler weather and finish up that quilt.
ReplyDeleteThe Star quilt on your bed is so soft and summery looking - very pretty.
ReplyDeleteI am glad your grandma is doing better. Always great news when you are so far away!
ReplyDeleteI love your quilt! A colorful quilt like this always makes me smile.
You need to control the AC Controlman. Life is too short to go through it uncomfortably! When we had our AC installed, there was a sophisticated control that went with it. I am the only one that understands how to program it. I have made it sound so complicated that my husband leaves the control of the AC and heat to me. *VBS*
Sign in the heat!
I love your quilt.The colors are perfect for summer.It sounds like you had a very productive day and glad your granma is better. I also have to start my quilting right after I get up or else I just start some other house chore instead.
ReplyDeleteNice stack of quilts on the bed there! I really like the colors blending on the top one, I thought at first it was a solid piece of fabric, with applique stars in pink!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the Robyn Pandolph Star Quilt - my 6 year old DD was standing next to me when I was reading your Blog and she said "ooooohhh, that's so pretty - can you make me one!" When I asked her what it was that she liked she said "the lines of the colours".
ReplyDeleteI missed this post yesterday. I always check you first in the AM as you generally get up very early!
ReplyDeleteLove the bed quilts, really nice. I'll keep coming back grumpy or not. I have lots of those days too. Glad the mood has passed!