I totally believe in giving credit where it is due and always tell you if I am posting a quilt that someone else in my quilt group made. Sometimes I have helped out by quilting it and sometimes not. Sometimes I have pieced them but often not. Because my quilt group has been in existence since 2000 and we have made and donated 1200 plus quilts, I am never gonna run out of "eye candy". I'm the record keeper so I've got tons of pictures! I guess that makes me the public face of whatever I put up here so I'll pass on the compliments/comments to the maker.
Several you have said that blogger was not playing nice with comments this morning. Hope it is behaving now as I try to post! Makes you wish that you had written it on notepad or something so you could try copy/pasting it. I often post from Picassa and I often wish I had written my notes elsewhere first for a backup. It does not seem to matter which tab you are using--no copying! Write it on notepad and then I can paste it, I have found. Or publish, edit, save as draft and delete the old one. ACK!!
Okay, this is one quilt I did make two or three years ago. Actually I made three of them as a commissioned piece. One of the local lawyers who is a big time Alabama fan called Hancock's to see who might be able to make some quilts for him and the staff suggested me. He got the fabric somewhere of all the teams in the Southeast Conference. I think it is Divison 1 NCAA--I knew when I was working on these things, trust me! HUGE sports fans down here but primarily football crazy. Vanderbilt we had to go with a t-shirt front. The stuff was heavy canvas type cloth in most instances and of course, the t-shirt had to be interfaced.
I picked the double attic window set that I mentioned a few days back to show case the mascots and drew a rough sketch up for him. He decided where he wanted the blocks placed. His quilt was to go over the couch in the den hence the horizontal orientation of the piece. Just to make things easier I did all three the same. He gave me the cover to the couch arm to find a suitable color to match hence the tan color. The SEC is in the color blue that is used in their logo and I modified some foundation pieced lettering in my EQ/Sew Precise software to make it look squished down. The other two were to be given as Christmas gifts that year.
All my grocery errands are run. Papa Murphy's cheesy bread for lunch with a nice tossed salad I threw together. Vegetable beef barley soup in the crockpot---no cooking as it was leftovers from the freezer with a some leftovers from the fridge tossed in. So the rest of the day is ahead of me. New book arrived from Amazon--Sharyn Craig's Great Sets that I almost bought last week--might be part of my birthday money spend down--something to read tonight and consider for some challenge quilts on my horizon. (Finn, frogs in windblown squares perhaps??) I'm gathering stuff together to take to quilt group ---one needs a pattern for a sunflower block since they can also be poinsettias, right Hanne? Another needs some 30's scraps for her robin. Photo prints came today so I've got duplicates to share and one for our photo album. Don't forget to pack the digital camera. Nantucket Sailboat is the block I picked but do I need to take some fabric for us to sew at the meeting or my machine?? Still need to get my backing fabrics together so best get to it. I want to definitely get my 30's sampler pinned if nothing else.
Later y'all------lchj

Hello again..*VBS* Another great project completed by you...nice job with the football challenge quilts. They look great!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you got to get that book you wanted..*VBS* I think Amazon is a great place!
The toads?? Ahhh...ummmm..errrrr..you are mostly on your own with them..*VBS* I was hoping and praying you'd get a brain nudge, cause I sure never did. What ever works with that amount of focus fabric is what I'd say...IF, I was saying anything...and I'm not..*G*
After the dust settles and you are squared away for tomorrow, please send me along the ship..I've been thinking of making a quilting using that old Georgia Bonesteel 12" sailing ship...for one of the boy's ranch quilts..*S* But only is you have time..*S*
what a great commission piece. Must have been a devil working with such different weights, but it turned out lovely...
ReplyDeleteWell, I was one of the ones that couldn't post earlier - I love the string quilts! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteWe enjoy your "eye candy"--keep it coming! I love the setting you did with the NCAA quilt. Nice job--I totally understand why the staff at Hancock's recommended you!
ReplyDeleteI really like the string quilts shown in the prior post-it's really on my want to make list! plus, I enjoyed today's post too-glad you are having an easy cooking day!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog. Come visit again, I will be returning to visit yours again soon.
ReplyDeleteWill it work today, or do I have to send emails instead ? ;-)
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely productive day with your group !
The NCAA quilt is really nice. I have a Georgetown one to make for a friend if she can come up with 2 more shirts.
ReplyDeleteSince you finish so many quilts for your friends, do THEY have any UFOs? lol
So far this morning, Blogger is playing nice, so I won't jinx it by being too long winded.
I did make a comment on the strings.