A few of the girls were working on the butterfly block that I gave them for our BOM, two more were sewing batting bits together, a few more were sewing on labels or binding, others were pinning. Me? A little bit of picture taking (spare Quilt Holder the job once I got home), record keeping trying to figure out the numbers that went on which labels, gave instruction on how to do this month's blocks and last month's for those who were not there, pinning, visiting, trips to the Xerox machine, etc, etc--like trying to nail Jell-o to the wall.
Jeanne, everybody loved your tops especially the bright yellow-orange one. I told them that a friend in California sent it so they could see why you might select those colors. I am going to send them the link for the one you just finished if they thought this was bright. LOL. Finn, those pink bowties were a big hit too.
Since we had butterflies on the mind today, I had Aline help me cut and pass out some challenge fabric that Cher had sent us. She is going to do the same with her Portland Piecers and then compare picture to see what we come up with. Deadline: the Christmas party, kid quilt must be made from it and at least one square inch of fabric must be visible in there somewhere and turn any of the usable leftovers back in in case someone else needs a bit more to complete their quilt. It is a nice neutral backed butterfly fabric with lots of colors to key off of--purple, teal, gold and dark rosy pink. I believe the ones that accepted the challenge liked it a bit better than the bright primary paint colors from last year's challenge, LOL. A few had some ideas of what might work. Finn, some of the fabrics you and Betsy just sent went well with it so a good bit of that will be finding it way into quilts soon.
We are planning a run to the Birmingham area quilt shops on Friday though to hear them tell it, I am the only one who actually "needs" anything. I was going anyway so why not see if anyone else wants to go along for the ride? Aline told me that two husbands were virtually struck dumb with the name "Trussville" (where the shop is actually located.) Like, be very afraid if they say they are going there. One said to the other "what's that?" while the other probably only said something like "more fabric" LOL. I have to find something for this round robin that is hanging like the Sword of Damoceles over my head though I have until July 15th, I think it is.
I was also trying to get our day set for laying the quilts out on the church pews so we can invite the other area quilt groups to come take a look and any of the church members who might be interested. There is never a time that is good for everyone to be there. Move it and this one can't come, move it again, now that one can't. The church had an obligation on the day I initially planned . Finally I just needed to make a decision and picked 8-19 so we can spread the word. Pending a check with Big Oak Ranch we will deliver the quilts 10 days later.
Jeanne asked me yesterday in comments how close to our goal of 60 some quilts we were. I had said that I would have a better idea once I came home from the meeting and updated my document. (Just to be sure that I didn't assign the same number twice I started numbering for the last one forward.) I came home with 12 completed quilts along with 3 pinned tops. I left 4 to be bound but a few more are still out. Those numbers are always in a state of flux--pinned and waiting to be bound. BUT I just counted all the pinned tops and completed tops I have stacked here at home in the closet, atop the armoire (clear to the ceiling now) and on top of the hamper----77 quilts. Isn't that terrific when we only have about 10-12 active members? Of course, we have had some help with several tops being donated to the cause. Credit and our thanks have been given.
Having said that, all of that number will NOT be going to the Girls ranch. Some are a little on the small size for kids ages 6-18. I have a suggestion from the members for a spot in our area that could use them should I decide not to mail them to HQ. Others will be held for the Boys Ranch though I don't have a number on just how many will needed for their facility--once we have them all spread out the girls can help me make a decision about that. No one wants them to be left out. We want them to have a some extras since I know they are planning on having two more homes built which would house a total of 16 girls. If the houseparents have children, they will not be left out either.
So what are the pictures I am sharing with you today? Three of the quilts made by one of our members. Aren't they wonderful?? Antoinette has a wonderful color sense and her quilts are usually made from brights. She may have been working in series a bit as I am pretty sure the same print is in both her Pineapple Blossom and the Streak of Lightning. I know we were figuring out stretch her zigzag bands into something at the sew-in in late April. The Cracker is quilt above. I believe both Streak and Cracker are in the "101 Rotary Cut Quilts" or it's predecessor book "Rotary Roundup" or the other by the same authors. My old copies are at the church and we were just looking at it when the girls wondered just how she did the zigzags. That lead to a discussion on how you COULD do it. That does my heart good because it shows me that they aren't locked into one certain way of doing things and are learning.

I think I will work on some paper work tonight though my friendship star chain is half done from yesterday. (Definitely a good choice for the boys there!) Don't have to cook tonight since we have leftovers--sounds good to me. I took time out to cut DJ's hair before I came back to finish and edit this note. That was my only true obligation other than the meeting today. Still have stuff to put away and a few things to follow up on that came up today. Yep, Hanne, I DO sleep, LOL but I do like to keep busy too. I sleep better if I have worn myself out.
Catch up with you all a little later this evening--
I like both the scrappy and the purple pineapple quilts. I want to make one if I ever get back to piecing!
ReplyDelete{{Big hug}}
ReplyDeleteOh Linda, I'm delighted that your numbers are looking so good! I was going to try to squeak one more in, but since you're feeling like there are going to be enough, I'm just going to wrap up this bright one and send it -- it needs to get into the "girl" group.
It looks like our kitchen work will be starting mid-July, like in about two weeks -- yikes!!! So I'll "pause" for now, and we can "resume" when the boy phase gets under way, OK?
Jeanne :)
The quilts look just wonderful Linda!! Really, really great work on the part of the Bama Belles..*VBS* I'm so pleased that I could help out in any way at all..*S*
ReplyDelete77 is a remarkable number to have done this early in the year...you gals work hard and are so dedicated, you inspire me...thank you for that!! Talk to you soon, Hugs, Finn
77 quilts !! You girls are so good. The pineapple quilts have a special place in my heart.
ReplyDeleteI agree it is easier to sleep if one has used oneself for something :-)
What a wonderful job you all are doing. Love the quilts and I'm sure they will be loved.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work.
Linda, your ladies should be very proud!! The girls and the boys will be very grateful indeed!! Such a worthy cause and it makes my hearts sing to see such great quilts go to people who will truely love them!!
ReplyDeleteThe three here are fabulous! Now if I could just get to needing less sleep I could get more done too.
77 quilts. That's just fantastic. Keep up the good work!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove all these bright quilts Linda. What a wonderful thing to be so close to your goal! All of you have done an amazing job to accomplish this. Be very proud of yourselves!
ReplyDeleteWOW...what GREAT quilts!!! The first one reminds me of Neopolitan ice cream!
Thanks for your compliments on my quilt for my oncologist...to answer your question on the quilting...YES...i did it!
Wow, that's a lot of wonderful quilts, and a lot of love in every stitch for these children that really need it.
ReplyDeleteWTG Linda!
LJ terrific job on both the quilt photos and total count...I will be handing out the challenge fabric this Sunday..glad to hear it was well received!